Video: How Trust Takes Us Out of Our Comfort Zone
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Careers Organizations Aug 4, 2017

Video: How Trust Takes Us Out of Our Comfort Zone

The more trusting the relationship, the more you have to gain—or lose.

Huge Hand Bridge Between Mountains


Based on the research and insights of

Kent Grayson

Eli J. Finkel

What does a theater company that wants to produce an experimental play have in common with a person who wants to, say, quit smoking or change careers? Whenever we step out of our comfort zone and make ourselves vulnerable, we need to trust that our champions will be there to see us through.

Eli Finkel, a professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School,provides a psychologist’s perspective.

Kent Grayson, an associate professor of marketing at the Kellogg School, explains key findings in the field of marketing,

The Trust Project is a unique body of knowledge, connecting scholars and executives from diverse backgrounds to share ideas, research, and actionable insights in a series of videos for research and management. Learn more about the project and its development in conjunction with the Kellogg Markets and Customers Initiative.

Featured Faculty

Associate Professor of Marketing; Bernice and Leonard Lavin Professorship

Professor of Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences; Professor of Management & Organizations

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