Brian Uzzi
Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change; Professor of Management and Organizations
Unique. Revolutionary. Fundamental. A Little Hype Can Help Scientists Win Grants.
“Promotional language is important not just for securing funding but for actually conveying the merits of good ideas.”
Researchers: Hao Peng, Huilian Sophie Qiu, Henrik Barslund Fosse and Brian Uzzi
June 11, 2024
Podcast: Can Complexity Science Help Us Understand Organizations?
On this episode of The Insightful Leader: From climate change to neuroscience, this new approach is reshaping how we study complicated systems.
Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, Brian Uzzi and Dashun Wang
February 20, 2024
Organizations Are Complex. Complexity Science Can Help Us Understand Them.
You can’t study the behavior of a flock by looking at individual birds. It’s time to bring that holistic approach to the social sciences, too.
Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, Brian Uzzi and Dashun Wang
February 12, 2024
Not Sure Where to Start with Your AI Strategy? Here Are 3 Steps
Companies across the economy are harnessing AI for a variety of functions in their businesses, with some further along in their strategies than others.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi
December 16, 2023
How AI Can Help Researchers Navigate the “Replication Crisis”
A new tool predicts whether a specific study is likely to replicate, building confidence in the findings among scientists, funding agencies, and the public.
Researchers: Wu Youyou, Yang Yang and Brian Uzzi
July 1, 2023
Podcast: How to Prepare for Your New Algorithmic Coworker
For better or worse, generative AI is here to stay. On this episode of The Insightful Leader: What could it mean for you and your team?
Researchers: David Ferrucci and Brian Uzzi
June 12, 2023
May 26, 2023
What Should Leaders Make of the Latest AI?
As ChatGPT flaunts its creative capabilities, two experts discuss the promise and pitfalls of our coexistence with machines.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi and David Ferrucci
April 26, 2023
Twitter Is “Running A Musk”
Elon Musk has built several visionary businesses. But after a month with Musk in command, Twitter is in trouble with users, advertisers, and the government.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi
December 13, 2022
Gender-Balanced Teams Do Better Work
When it comes to teams of scientists, “men and women are both part of the recipe for success,” according to new research.
Researchers: Yang Yang, Tanya Y. Tian, Teresa Woodruff, Benjamin F. Jones and Brian Uzzi
September 13, 2022
Take 5: Learn to Love Networking (or at Least Tolerate It)
First, you got to nail the basics.
Researchers: Ellen Taaffe, Craig Wortmann, Edward (Ned) Smith, Leigh Thompson, Brian Uzzi and and coauthors
July 29, 2022
Take 5: How to Be a Better Mentor
Be sure your mentee “owns” the relationship—and don’t shy away from tough conversations.
Researchers: Bernard Banks, Diane Brink, Carter Cast and Brian Uzzi
April 14, 2022
Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New
Turns out, there’s a “special sauce” that can help you get there. But expertise can also come with a curse.
Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem, Brian Uzzi, Luis Rayo, Lu Liu, Jillian Chown, Dashun Wang, Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Steven Franconeri
October 25, 2021
3 Ways AI Can Help You Improve Diversity
Your company already holds the data that can lead to sustainable change.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi
August 19, 2021
How Does a Polarized U.S. Move Beyond Its Current Conflicts?
A discussion about the psychology of group conflict, the risks of rampant misinformation, and the importance of resilient institutions.
Researchers: Cynthia S. Wang and Brian Uzzi
March 30, 2021
How AI Can Help Weed Out Faulty Scientific Research
Solid science is more important than ever, yet experts often struggle to predict which studies will replicate. Artificial intelligence could do the job better.
Researchers: Yang Yang, Wu Youyou and Brian Uzzi
August 4, 2020
What’s the Secret Ingredient to Great Mentorship?
It’s not just subject-matter expertise, according to a new study.
Researchers: Yifang Ma, Satyam Mukherjee and Brian Uzzi
July 7, 2020
Take 5: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Sports
Specialists and scrappy underdogs can be just as indispensable in the office as they are on the playing field.
Researchers: Brayden King, Rima Touré-Tillery, Brian Uzzi, Noshir Contractor, J. Keith Murnighan and Daryl Morey
March 2, 2020
The Psychology Behind Conflict—and When It Can Be Harnessed for Good
A conversation about the role conflict plays in organizations and communities.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, Nour Kteily and Cynthia S. Wang
January 3, 2020
Your Work Friends and Enemies Are Affecting Your Performance
A look at social triangles among day traders shows that profits increased under certain combinations of friend and foe.
Researchers: Omid Askarisichani, Jacqueline Ng Lane, Francesco Bullo, Noah E. Friedkin, Ambuj K. Singh and Brian Uzzi
January 2, 2020
Podcast: When Teams Mess Up, Who Takes the Fall?
On this episode of The Insightful Leader: how to make sure you’re not blaming the wrong person.
Researchers: Ginger Zhe Jin, Benjamin F. Jones, Susan Feng Lu and Brian Uzzi
December 18, 2019
Dozens of New Terrorist Organizations Emerge Each Year. Which Ones Will Become Most Dangerous?
A new tool gets at the answer using the same techniques that investors use to evaluate startups.
Researchers: Yang Yang, Adam Pah and Brian Uzzi
November 4, 2019
For Teams, What Matters More: Raw Talent or a History of Success Together?
A study of professional sports teams suggests that one factor is clearly more important, but the best teams combine them both.
Researchers: Satyam Mukherjee, Yun Huang, Julia Neidhardt, Brian Uzzi and Noshir Contractor
June 3, 2019
How Big Is the Gender Gap in Science Research Funding?
Two new studies look at who wins the prestigious grants and prizes that can make or break a scientist’s career.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, Diego FM Oliveira, Yifang Ma and Teresa Woodruff
May 2, 2019
Take 5: How to Build a Collaborative Workplace
Simple strategies for reaping the benefits of collaboration.
Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, J. Keith Murnighan, Leigh Thompson, Brian Uzzi, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Dashun Wang
March 13, 2019
To Land Top Jobs, Women Need Different Types of Networks than Men
Simply being well-connected is not enough.
Researchers: Yang Yang, Nitesh V. Chawla and Brian Uzzi
March 1, 2019
Who Gets Blamed When a Group Project Goes Wrong?
Here’s why consequences stick to some team members more than others, according to a new study of retracted academic papers.
Researchers: Ginger Zhe Jin, Benjamin F. Jones, Susan Feng Lu and Brian Uzzi
February 1, 2019
The Science Behind Word-of-Mouth Recommendations
In the age of Yelp, two new studies explore why we offer advice and how it spreads.
Researchers: Sara Soderstrom, Brian Uzzi, Derek D. Rucker, James H. Fowler, Daniel Diermeier, Alessandro M. Peluso, Andrea Bonezzi and Matteo De Angelis
November 2, 2017
Take 5: How Humans Benefit as Machines Get Smarter
Kellogg faculty explain how human–machine partnerships can improve everything from your commute to your self-esteem.
Researchers: Brenna Argall, David Ferrucci, Eli J. Finkel, Todd Murphey, Rima Touré-Tillery, Brian Uzzi and Adam Waytz
June 8, 2017
Take 5: How to Encourage Innovative Thinking
Kellogg faculty on what it takes to ensure your new product or great idea takes off.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, Benjamin F. Jones, Kelly Goldsmith, Klaus Weber and Loran Nordgren
April 7, 2017
The Surprising Speed with Which We Become Polarized Online
Users isolate themselves in social media echo chambers, even when they start out looking at a variety of posts.
Researchers: Alessandro Bessi, Fabiana Zollo, Michela Del Vicario, Michelangelo Puliga, Antonio Scala, Guido Caldarelli, Brian Uzzi and Walter Quattrociocchi
April 6, 2017
Podcast: Will Machines Ever Truly Understand Us?
The relationship between humans and computers is deepening. What does the future hold?
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, David Ferrucci and Sandra Waxman
December 2, 2016
Ready to Make a Risky Decision? Your Words Suggest Otherwise
Mining digital communications for emotions can lead to better decisions.
Researchers: Bin Liu, Ramesh Govindan and Brian Uzzi
May 5, 2016
Can Computers Make Us Better Thinkers?
IBM Watson creator David Ferrucci on the thought partnership at the heart of machine learning.
Researchers: David Ferrucci and Brian Uzzi
July 6, 2015
The Ultimate Data Set
Computational social science aims to discover universal facts.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi
May 1, 2015
Understanding How Stock Traders Forage for Profit
Day traders behave like bees when deciding what to buy and sell.
Researchers: Serguei Saavedra, R. Dean Malmgren, Nicholas Switanek and Brian Uzzi
December 1, 2014
A Virtuous Mix Allows Innovation to Thrive
The right mixture balances conventionality, novelty, and collaboration
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, Satyam Mukherjee, Michael Stringer and Benjamin F. Jones
November 4, 2013
Where Busy Bees and Business Converge
The striking similarities between ecological and organizational networks
Researchers: Serguei Saavedra, Brian Uzzi and Felix Reed-Tsochas
July 5, 2011
Synchronicity Pays
Instant messaging helps traders buy and sell at the right time
Researchers: Serguei Saavedra, Kathleen Hagerty and Brian Uzzi
March 14, 2011
The Price of a Billable Hour
Social networks affect transaction costs
Researchers: Brian Uzzi and Ryon Lancaster
July 1, 2009
Science as Team Sport
Collaborating at a distance pays off
Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, Stefan Wuchty and Brian Uzzi
October 10, 2008
October 1, 2007
Teamwork Takes Center Stage
How the Broadway musical can teach important lessons to business leaders
Researchers: Roger Guimerá, Brian Uzzi, Luis A. Nunes Amaral and Jarrett Spiro
April 11, 2007