Christopher Ody
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Insight Unpacked Season 2, "American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives" | Listen Now

Christopher Ody

Member of the Strategy Department from 2013 to 2021

How Regulating Hospital Prices Can Impact Patient Care

There are tangible benefits for quality of care when hospitals compete for higher-paying patients.

Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, Christopher Ody and Amanda Starc

May 10, 2021


Privatizing Medicaid Drug Benefits Reduces Spending

The savings come without any decrease in quality of care, new research shows.

Researchers: David Dranove, Christopher Ody and Amanda Starc

March 2, 2018


When Healthcare Providers Consolidate, Medical Bills Rise

Can anything be done to rein in this expensive trend?

Researchers: Cory Capps, David Dranove and Christopher Ody

February 1, 2018


Prescription Drug Coupons Actually Increase Healthcare Spending by Billions

Consumers may love them, but coupons steer people away from inexpensive generics.

Researchers: Leemore Dafny, Christopher Ody and Matt Schmitt

October 3, 2017


What Happens to Healthcare Costs When Nonprofit Hospitals Take a Financial Hit?

The answer has implications for the debate over the Affordable Care Act.

Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody

August 3, 2017


Under the ACA, the Cost of Caring for the Uninsured Decreased for Hospitals

The benefit has come only in states that expanded Medicaid.

Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody

January 5, 2017


Why Healthcare Spending Has Slowed

Is the Affordable Care Act getting too much credit?

Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody

February 1, 2016


More Insurers, Lower Premiums?

Evidence from U.S. health insurance marketplaces.

Researchers: Leemore S. Dafny, Jonathan Gruber and Christopher Ody

July 7, 2014
