Derek D. Rucker
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Derek D. Rucker

Sandy & Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies in Marketing; Professor of Marketing; Co-chair of Faculty Research

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Podcast: How Should You Present Yourself at Work?

Be yourself! No, not like that. On this (rerun) episode of The Insightful Leader, we help you navigate the competing advice about how much to share and hold back.

Researchers: Ellen Taaffe and Derek D. Rucker

March 4, 2025


Does Satire Soften the Blow of Criticism?

Quite the opposite, in fact, even if it comes in the form of humorous memes, videos, or headlines.

Researchers: Hooria Jazaieri and Derek D. Rucker

March 1, 2025


When Persuading a Group, Beware the Allure of Consensus

We tend to favor strategies that win broad-but-weak support over narrow-but-strong support—and this preference can lead us astray.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Jesse D'Agostino, Mark Dyer and Zakary L. Tormala

March 8, 2024


Podcast: How Should You Present Yourself at Work?

Be yourself! No, not like that. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we help you navigate the competing advice about how much to share and hold back.

Researchers: Ellen Taaffe and Derek D. Rucker

January 17, 2024

Podcast: How Should You Present Yourself at Work?

Be yourself! No, not like that. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we help you navigate the competing advice about how much to share and hold back.

Researchers: Ellen Taaffe and Derek D. Rucker

January 17, 2024

Podcast: How Should You Present Yourself at Work?

Be yourself! No, not like that. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we help you navigate the competing advice about how much to share and hold back.

Researchers: Ellen Taaffe and Derek D. Rucker

January 17, 2024

Podcast: How Should You Present Yourself at Work?

Be yourself! No, not like that. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we help you navigate the competing advice about how much to share and hold back.

Researchers: Ellen Taaffe and Derek D. Rucker

January 17, 2024

A Better Way to Measure Customers’ Willingness to Pay

Determining what customers will spend on your product is one of marketing’s oldest challenges. But “current methods don’t consider context and competition the way they should.”

Researchers: Sharlene He, Eric T. Anderson and Derek D. Rucker

December 1, 2023


Marketers, Don’t Be Too Hasty to Act on Data

Don’t like the trends you’re seeing? It’s tempting to take immediate action. Instead, consider a hypothesis-driven approach to solving your problems.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker and Aparna Labroo

March 8, 2023


Take 5: How Fear Influences Our Decisions

Our anxieties about the future can have surprising implications for our health, our family lives, and our careers.

Researchers: Chethana Achar, David A. Matsa, Derek D. Rucker, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Cynthia S. Wang, Gregory Carpenter and and coauthors

February 23, 2023


Take 5: The Surprising Ways Emotions Shape Consumer Behavior

Companies, take note—emotions like anger, fear, and anticipation can impact what ends up in consumers’ shopping carts.

Researchers: Michal Maimaran, Gregory Carpenter, Aparna Labroo, Derek D. Rucker, Matthew D. Rocklage, Loran Nordgren and and coauthors

November 9, 2022


Why Are Super Bowl Ads a Spectator Sport?

With the big game coming up, many fans are gearing up... to watch brands go toe-to-toe

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker

February 3, 2022


The Internet Is Awash in Positive Product Ratings. Here’s How to Decipher the Good from the Great.

Forget stars and numeric ratings: a review’s language offers better clues to a product’s quality and likely success.

Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren

December 1, 2021


Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New

Turns out, there’s a “special sauce” that can help you get there. But expertise can also come with a curse.

Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem, Brian Uzzi, Luis Rayo, Lu Liu, Jillian Chown, Dashun Wang, Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Steven Franconeri

October 25, 2021


7 Sins of the Creative Brief

Why having a bad creative brief—or no brief at all—can sink an advertising campaign.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker and Kevin McTigue

September 29, 2021


Expertise Can Be a Buzzkill

Becoming a subject-matter expert could dim your passion for the things you love.

Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren

September 1, 2021


3 Mistakes Brands Make When Targeting Customers

How to avoid common pitfalls like the “popular kid target” and other advice from the authors of the forthcoming book, The Creative Brief Blueprint.

Researchers: Kevin McTigue and Derek D. Rucker

July 16, 2021


When Do People Take Huge Risks?

As a species, we’re cautious … except when the stakes are life-altering.

Researchers: David Gal and Derek D. Rucker

February 4, 2021


How Anticipation Warps Our Sense of Time

Here’s why that trip to Disneyland—or to the dentist—seems to take ages, but the return trip feels much faster.

Researchers: Zoey Chen, Ryan Hamilton and Derek D. Rucker

September 1, 2020


When Do We Identify with the Bad Guy?

What started as research into consumer psychology led to deeper questions about human nature.

Researchers: Rebecca J. Krause and Derek D. Rucker

March 2, 2020


Stories Can Be Powerful Persuasive Tools. But It’s Important to Understand When They Can Backfire.

New research reveals why sometimes sticking to the facts is your best bet.

Researchers: Rebecca J. Krause and Derek D. Rucker

October 8, 2019


Take 5: How to Kickstart a Successful Career

Young professionals, smart decisions now will open doors for you in the future.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Carter Cast, Sally Blount, William "Chip" Horn and Neal J. Roese

May 13, 2019


How (Not) to Change Someone’s Mind

Psychologists have found two persuasion tactics that work. But put them together and the magic is lost.

Researchers: Rhia Catapano, Zakary Tormala and Derek D. Rucker

March 1, 2019


Why We Can’t All Get Away with Wearing Designer Clothes

In certain professions, luxury goods can send the wrong signal.​

Researchers: Christopher Cannon and Derek D. Rucker

January 2, 2019


Video: How to Restore Trust When It’s Been Broken

Plus, a way to encourage ethical behavior to avoid breaches in the first place.

Researchers: Miao Hu, Derek D. Rucker, Adam D. Galinsky and Cecily Cooper

November 12, 2018


Take 5: Fine-Tuning Your Powers of Persuasion

From understanding power dynamics to telling a memorable story, here’s how to sell your ideas.

Researchers: Loran Nordgren, Derek D. Rucker, Mitchell A. Petersen and Kent Grayson

November 7, 2018


Take 5: What Science Says about Your Summer Vacation

Kellogg faculty explore the psychology and economics of common travel conundrums.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Kent Grayson, Thomas N. Hubbard, Maryam Kouchaki, Martin Lariviere and Derek D. Rucker

July 3, 2018


Trying to Be Persuasive? Here’s What You Are Likely Doing.

A study of product reviews shows how our word choices change when we’re trying to sway others.

Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren

March 1, 2018


Podcast: How Music Can Change Our Mood

A Broadway songwriter and a marketing professor discuss the connection between our favorite tunes and how they make us feel.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Kris Kukul

February 10, 2018


The Science Behind Word-of-Mouth Recommendations

In the age of Yelp, two new studies explore why we offer advice and how it spreads.

Researchers: Sara Soderstrom, Brian Uzzi, Derek D. Rucker, James H. Fowler, Daniel Diermeier, Alessandro M. Peluso, Andrea Bonezzi and Matteo De Angelis

November 2, 2017


Take 5: How Power Dynamics Shape Our Behavior

Power—or the lack of it—impacts everything from snack choices to economic growth.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren, Adam Waytz, Benjamin F. Jones and Brayden King

September 7, 2017


Take 5: How Leaders Can Stamp Out Bad Behavior and Create a Culture of Integrity

Practical tips to reign in an unethical boss and encourage employees to do the right thing.

Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki, Derek D. Rucker, J. Keith Murnighan, Paola Sapienza, Dylan Minor and Nicola Persico

March 6, 2017


How to Help Prevent the Powerful from Abusing Their Privilege

High expectations for ethical behavior can keep powerful people in line.

Researchers: Miao Hu, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

September 6, 2016


Understanding Power Dynamics Will Make You More Persuasive

How powerful you feel affects the messages you convey—and the ones you want to hear.

Researchers: David Dubois, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

August 1, 2016


Social Class Affects Why We Lie

The powerful are more likely to lie for their own benefit, and the powerless to help others.

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Adam D. Galinsky and David Dubois

January 5, 2015


What Donors Need to Hear to Open the Checkbook

Insights from marketing on how charities can grow by appealing to different kinds of donors.

Researchers: Kelly Goldsmith, Aparna Labroo, Angela Y. Lee and Derek D. Rucker

December 1, 2014


Pump Up the Jams and Feel Powerful

The right background music can affect how you construe information and your willingness to take initiative.

Researchers: Dennis Hsu, Li Huang, Loran Nordgren, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

August 4, 2014


Powering Through the Interview

A powerful mindset can help applicants land the job

Researchers: Joris Lammers, David Dubois, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

November 4, 2013


Buy Bigger, Feel More Powerful

Compensating for powerlessness through purchases

Researchers: David Dubois, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

April 2, 2012


Answering Unasked Questions

Identifying bias in consumer surveys and compensating for it

Researchers: David Gal and Derek D. Rucker

April 2, 2012


Generous Paupers and Stingy Princes?

Power and consumer spending

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, David Dubois and Adam D. Galinsky

October 18, 2010


Desire to Acquire

Powerlessness and compensatory consumption

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky

April 5, 2010


Balance in Advertising

Tailored marketing messages can counter consumers’ negative emotions

Researchers: Aparna Labroo and Derek D. Rucker

December 1, 2009


What’s in a Message Frame?

Sharing the good and the bad leads to more persuasive messaging

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Richard E. Petty and Pablo Briñol

May 1, 2009


Emotion and Consumer Behavior

Can anger make us choose a hiking trip vacation?

Researchers: Derek D. Rucker and Richard E. Petty

July 1, 2008


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