Keith Murnighan
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Keith Murnighan

Member of the Department of Management & Organizations from 1996 to 2016

Take 5: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Sports

Specialists and scrappy underdogs can be just as indispensable in the office as they are on the playing field.

Researchers: Brayden King, Rima Touré-Tillery, Brian Uzzi, Noshir Contractor, J. Keith Murnighan and Daryl Morey

March 2, 2020


Take 5: How to Build a Collaborative Workplace

Simple strategies for reaping the benefits of collaboration.

Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, J. Keith Murnighan, Leigh Thompson, Brian Uzzi, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Dashun Wang

March 13, 2019


Take 5: How to Build Trust in the Workplace

Trust is a powerful motivator. Here’s how to foster it among employees in your organization.

Researchers: Harry M. Kraemer, Karen Cates, Paola Sapienza, Daniel Barron, Michael Powell, J. Keith Murnighan and Kent Grayson

February 12, 2019


Take 5: Tips for Widening—and Improving—Your Candidate Pool

Common biases can cause companies to overlook a wealth of top talent.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera, Paola Sapienza, J. Keith Murnighan, Michael J. Mazzeo, Efraim Benmelech, Carola Frydman and Nicola Persico

September 7, 2018


Take 5: How Leaders Can Stamp Out Bad Behavior and Create a Culture of Integrity

Practical tips to reign in an unethical boss and encourage employees to do the right thing.

Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki, Derek D. Rucker, J. Keith Murnighan, Paola Sapienza, Dylan Minor and Nicola Persico

March 6, 2017


Employees Are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way out the Door

The temptation to act unethically is plentiful in the gig economy.

Researchers: Daniel J. Effron, Christopher J. Bryan and J. Keith Murnighan

February 8, 2016

Podcast: Mining NBA Data for Leadership Lessons

Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey and Kellogg School faculty talk data analytics and team composition.

Researchers: J. Keith Murnighan and Edward (Ned) Smith

February 2, 2015


Are Bean Counters More Selfish?

Emphasizing a “calculative mindset” encourages people to act more selfishly and less ethically when making decisions.

Researchers: Long Wang, Chen-Bo Zhong and J. Keith Murnighan

July 7, 2014


Rich and Unhappy—and Fine with Unethical Behavior?

Ethics, income, and feelings of well-being influence each other in unpredictable ways

Researchers: Long Wang and J. Keith Murnighan

December 9, 2013


Everyone Loves a Generalist

Specialists are undervalued, on sports teams and in the workplace

Researchers: Long Wang and J. Keith Murnighan

August 5, 2013

Do Less

Why managers should stop micromanaging and trust their employees

Researchers: J. Keith Murnighan

July 2, 2012


A Trusted Name

Why we trust people we do not know.

Researchers: Li Huang and J. Keith Murnighan

June 1, 2011

Consistent Contributors

Putting the team first helps solve the “cooperation problem”

Researchers: Mark Weber and J. Keith Murnighan

January 1, 2010

When Does One Good Deed Deserve Another?

The calculus of reciprocity

Researchers: Madan M. Pillutla, Deepak Malhotra and J. Keith Murnighan

January 1, 2009

Place Your Bids

Strategies for selling and buying in auctions

Researchers: Gillian Ku, Adam D. Galinsky and J. Keith Murnighan

November 1, 2007


Tough Calls Under Pressure

Professor Keith Murnighan’s new book shows readers how to make choices they won’t regret

Researchers: J. Keith Murnighan and John C. Mowen

April 4, 2007


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