Policy & the Economy
February 1, 2008
Playing Well Together
The ability to share information about economic opportunities motivates firms to expand their boundaries
Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard
February 1, 2008
When Should a Firm Decentralize?
Corporate features can determine your organization’s design
Milton Harris and Artur Raviv
January 1, 2008
Big Fish, Little Fish—Choose Your Pond
Company size, organizational design, and market structure correlate with executive salaries
Bård Harstad
December 1, 2007
Healthy Choices
Do people prefer the carrot or the stick?
Angela Y. Lee and Jennifer L. Aaker
December 1, 2007
Are Reservations Recommended?
Offering reservations is costly to restaurants, but they can be beneficial in some cases
Alexei Alexandrov and Martin Lariviere
October 5, 2007
The Value of a Cabinet Position
In a world where not all ministries are equal, the composition of Japanese cabinets reflects the relative bargaining power of political actors
Takanori Adachi and Yasutora Watanabe
August 1, 2007
Mandatory or Voluntary Corporate Disclosure?
Full disclosure is not always a moneymaker
Michael J. Fishman and Kathleen Hagerty
August 1, 2007
Does Location Matter for the Adoption of Internet Technologies in Business?
E-mail is everywhere, but advanced Internet technologies are adopted mostly within establishments in urban-based companies
Christopher Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein
July 1, 2007
How to Map and Compare Culture Across Firms
Cultural differences between U.S. and German pharmaceutical companies due to nationality have decreased since the 1980s
Klaus Weber
June 7, 2007
“Acting White” or Just Acting Rationally?
Social pressures to fit in can explain the black–white educational achievement gap
David Austen-Smith and Roland G. Fryer Jr.
June 6, 2007
Tax Incentives and the City
Are cities wise to use tax incentives to compete for companies?
Therese McGuire and Teresa Garcia-Milà
June 1, 2007
Do Leaders Matter?
The sudden death of a president can trigger sweeping, unexpected changes in a nation’s economy
Benjamin F. Jones and Benjamin A. Olken
May 1, 2007
Are Healthcare “Report Cards” Good for Patients?
More information may not always be better
David Dranove, Daniel Kessler, Mark McClellan and Mark Satterthwaite
May 1, 2007
Savvy Financial Analysts Adapt to Regulation ‘Fair Disclosure’
The 2000 law has pushed analysts to seek independent information - to the benefit of the investors they advise
Partha Mohanram and Shyam Sunder
April 20, 2007
Can geography affect your bank account?
The role of culture in economic decisions
Luigi Guiso, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales
April 18, 2007
Majority Rules
Group design influences the information that members share, says David Austen-Smith, who is identifying incentives to speak the truth
David Austen-Smith and Timothy Feddersen
April 15, 2007
Healthcare Gets a Check-up
Examining the diseased economics of U.S. healthcare
David Dranove
April 12, 2007
Learning Curve
Kellogg professor’s breakthrough methodology links additional schooling to higher test scores
Karsten Hansen, James J. Heckman and Kathleen Mullen
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