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Smart meters enable surge pricing schemes which encourage users to be conscious of their power usage during peak load times.
September 8, 2015

Why Power Companies Love Smart Meters

Smart meters provide richer data, enabling smarter pricing strategies and a smoother electricity supply chain.

July 6, 2015

The Economics of the Illegal Drug Market

An argument for sentencing dealers based on the purity of their product.

June 22, 2015

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

When governments do not provide health insurance, hospitals must provide it instead.

May 1, 2015

Collaborating to Save Lives

For an integrated healthcare organization, culture is the key to operational efficiency.

A police officer attempts stock market regulation.
January 5, 2015

What Will It Take to Regulate the Stock Markets?

Better data and better cooperation are needed.

December 1, 2014

Is Your Household Liquid Enough?

Ample cash reserves aid households when faced with the unexpected.

December 1, 2014

Fixing the Next Mortgage Crisis

What if mortgages could be refinanced automatically?

November 3, 2014

Keeping in Justice’s Good Graces

A discussion with Aviv Nevo on his tenure at the Department of Justice

Unemployment Insurance helps people save their houses
August 4, 2014

The Hidden Benefits of Unemployment Insurance

A pioneering study reveals that the benefits of unemployment insurance include reductions in mortgage defaults and improved access to credit.

July 7, 2014

A Fine Fiscal Balance

A conversation with Jan Eberly on sustainable fiscal policy.

July 7, 2014

More Insurers, Lower Premiums?

Evidence from U.S. health insurance marketplaces.

June 2, 2014

Does Immigration Increase Crime?

Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime.

April 7, 2014

Red Ink, Red-Eyed Judges, and the High Costs of Crowded Bankruptcy Courts

The timing of a bankruptcy filing shapes the verdict and has consequences for all of us

March 3, 2014

Corporate Activism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

An interview about how social movements continue to shape corporate behavior.

February 3, 2014

The Rise of Private Regulation in Global Commerce

Here’s how business leaders can address the resulting risks

January 8, 2014

Making the Grade

Some students are disadvantaged in the culture of higher education—but there may be a simple remedy

December 13, 2013

A Year at the FTC

Combinations, conduct, and competition in healthcare

December 9, 2013

Plenty of Costs, Plenty of Benefits

A Q&A with Craig Garthwaite about the new insurance exchanges

December 9, 2013

Acquiring the Competition

Does Obamacare encourage healthcare providers to consolidate?

October 7, 2013

Looking Good for the Regulators

Efforts to avoid regulator scrutiny come with downsides

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