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Man reading financial literacy book in living room.
May 1, 2019

Worried You’re Not Saving Enough for Retirement? Here’s What You Can Do.

An economist offers suggestions for individuals and policymakers to help make retirement more secure.

An interaction is seen through a police dashboard camera and a police body camera.
April 4, 2019

Do Police Body Cameras Provide an Impartial Version of Events?

New research reveals that people assign blame differently after viewing body cam versus dash cam footage.

A person votes on Medicaid expansion.
January 7, 2019

Which Voters Want to Expand Medicaid? Maybe Not the Ones You Think

4-year degree-holders tend to be big supporters—even though they are personally unlikely to benefit.

hands push a building-sized jenga.
January 7, 2019

How to Navigate a Vertical Merger after the AT&T and Time Warner Ruling

Here’s what companies can do to minimize antitrust concerns in an uncertain regulatory environment.

A home made of dollar bills blows away
January 7, 2019

Not Everyone Benefited from Lower Interest Rates During the Great Recession

The Fed wanted to help struggling homeowners. But new lending rules undermined its efforts.

Lawmakers discuss legislation in the Capitol building as lightning and dark clouds gather outside.
January 3, 2019

Politicians Vote Differently When Journalists Aren’t Watching

During natural disasters, the media spotlight shifts—and special interests benefit.

A job hunter googles job information.
December 5, 2018

What Google Is Teaching Economists About Unemployment Insurance

Search data can tell policymakers whether extending unemployment benefits delays job-seeking.

a math teacher uses blocks to teach.
December 3, 2018

Organizational Change Is Often a Tough Sell, but Encouraging Peer Interactions Can Help

A study of teachers offers lessons on how to get employees on board with reforms.

September 13, 2018

Supreme Court Justices Become Less Impartial and More Ideological When Casting the Swing Vote

A new study suggests that justices may treat cases differently when given a chance to shape policy.

Militaries defend themselves against cyber attacks.
August 3, 2018

How Governments Can Better Defend Themselves Against Cyberattacks

The threat of retaliation can keep the peace. But that assumes you know who is attacking you.

People visit a bank
May 8, 2018

How to Make Economic Development More Inclusive

Two finance experts discuss the need to tailor strategies to specific underserved communities.

March 5, 2018

Does Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate Spur Economic Growth?

Results of a new study have implications for the recent U.S. tax overhaul.

Privatizing Medicaid drug benefits reduces spending
March 2, 2018

Privatizing Medicaid Drug Benefits Reduces Spending

The savings come without any decrease in quality of care, new research shows.

Terrorism vs. mental illness as a reason for violence
March 1, 2018

When Do People Label Attackers as Terrorists versus Mentally Ill?

New research shows that people’s assumptions go beyond stereotypes.

a family adds assets to its house
February 5, 2018

Take 5: How Do Households Manage Fluctuating Finances?

Plus, how policymakers can help them manage better.

The impact of healthcare mergers and acquisitions on price.
February 1, 2018

When Healthcare Providers Consolidate, Medical Bills Rise

Can anything be done to rein in this expensive trend?

February 1, 2018

Audit Regulations Meant to Curb Accounting Scandals Are Working, Mostly

A post-Enron oversight board is a useful example for the regulation of other industries.

Donating food is paternalistic aid
January 3, 2018

The Complicated Logic Behind Donating to a Food Pantry Rather than Giving a Hungry Person Cash

If we were in need, we’d likely want money. So what accounts for that difference?

How are biracial people perceived in terms of race
December 6, 2017

How Are Black–White Biracial People Perceived in Terms of Race?

Understanding the answer—and why black and white Americans may perceive biracial people differently—is increasingly important in a multiracial society.

People pass an e-cigarette billboard
December 4, 2017

Why Banning E-cigarette Ads on TV Could Backfire

A new study finds that an increase in e-cigarette ads leads to a decrease in traditional cigarette sales.

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