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Cryptocurrency miners mine for cryptocurrencies.
February 2, 2018

New Cryptocurrencies, Same Old Problems

Why we won’t see a Bitcoin takeover any time soon.

Does private equity backing make firms stronger or weaker?
January 4, 2018

Private Equity Helped Firms Weather the Great Recession

A new study shows that debt isn’t always a liability during a financial crisis.

A financier moves a block into a blockchain.
January 3, 2018

How Blockchain Could Radically Alter Global Finance

The technology underlying cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is already starting to make its mark.

a family adds assets to its house
December 1, 2017

Measuring the Impact of Dodd–Frank on Household Leverage

The regulation’s attempt to prevent people from taking on mortgages they can’t repay may not work as intended.

November 2, 2017

How Do People Respond to Sales Tax Increases?

New research shows we aren’t as blasé as economists thought.

A man chooses flowers in a meadow
November 2, 2017

“One of the Investment Greats” Explains His Portfolio Strategy

A Q&A with renowned investor Lou Simpson.

Investors bet on a new technology.
October 4, 2017

Investors’ Fear of Missing Out on Disruptive Technology Leads to Overvalued Stocks

“Think of it like health insurance” for your portfolio.

The pay gap between CEOs and workers is due partly to technology
August 3, 2017

Why Has CEO Pay Grown So Much Faster Than the Average Worker’s?

A key component in growing pay disparity is how well executives harness new technologies.

Because oil prices are so volatile, oil price forecasts are both useful and necessary.
July 7, 2017

What Makes Oil Prices So Volatile?

There’s more to the story than OPEC. Plus, how fracking stands to change the market.

Executive with restricted choices
July 6, 2017

Why Do Companies Turn Down Profitable Investments?

Limited organizational bandwidth can restrict managers’ options.

The syndicated loans market follows a seasonal cycle.
June 6, 2017

The Puzzling Case of Why Syndicated Loans Are Cheaper in June than January

Research shows that interest rates are lower for borrowers who can plan ahead.

Wealthier Alaskans use annual dividend payments as fun money?
May 4, 2017

Alaskans Get an Annual Check from the State. How Do They Spend It?

The answer depends on a family’s income, but not in the way many economists expected.

Researchers find that the permanent income hypothesis does not hold up, and a loss of income does affect household spending.
April 4, 2017

How the 2013 Government Shutdown Affected Workers’ Household Spending

Even temporary income dips lead to a surprising degree of belt-tightening.

A CEO's risk aversion encourages underperformance.
March 8, 2017

How Risk Aversion Motivates Executives

Incentivizing leaders with too much stock promotes caution—and encourages underperformance.

A homeowner uses the value of their home to buy things.
February 3, 2017

Why Are We So Quick to Borrow When the Value of Our Home Rises?

The reason isn’t as simple as just feeling wealthier.

Communicating with investors via corporate social media
January 5, 2017

When Companies Tweet, Investors Listen

Posting negative news on corporate social media might make investors uneasy and lead to bad press.

A public health campaign aimed to curb Russian drinking.
December 2, 2016

How Drinking Beer Is Saving Russian Lives

Decades later, a Soviet public health initiative is still increasing male life expectancy.

An origami hummingbird represents social impact investment strategies.
December 2, 2016

What Is the Future of Impact Investing?

“People are revisiting the relationship they want their capital to have with the world.”

Business people use trust to help each other succeed.
December 1, 2016

Video: How to Establish Trust in Financial Transactions

Hard statistics and an understanding of culture keep the money flowing between lenders and borrowers.

Financial advisors give financial advice to clients.
November 2, 2016

What Good Is a Financial Advisor?

They may have your best interests in mind, but that doesn’t mean their advice is sound.

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The Insightful Leader

July 15, 2024  ·  26:04 minutes