Finance & Accounting
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What went wrong during the AIG financial crisis?
August 3, 2015

What Went Wrong at AIG?

Unpacking the insurance giant’s collapse during the 2008 financial crisis.

July 6, 2015

Going Beyond “Buy Low, Sell High”

What is risky to short-horizon investors may not be risky to long-term investors.

real estate tied up in a bow
April 6, 2015

What Killed the Economy?

How deal complexity in commercial mortgage-backed securities contributed to the financial crisis.

April 6, 2015

Let the Buyer Be Aware

A common error naïve homebuyers make helps explain housing boom and bust cycles.

April 3, 2015

Always Be Closing

Practical tips for success in real estate development.

March 2, 2015

Using the Lure of a Lottery to Spur Savings

Now legal in the US, prize-linked savings accounts use the excitement of a jackpot drawing to encourage people to grow savings.

Investor walking blindfolded on stock chart
January 30, 2015

When Uncertainty Lingers, Growth Lags

Companies’ reluctance to act in the wake of a country’s economic shock can inhibit growth as much as the original shock itself.

A police officer attempts stock market regulation.
January 5, 2015

What Will It Take to Regulate the Stock Markets?

Better data and better cooperation are needed.

December 1, 2014

Understanding How Stock Traders Forage for Profit

Day traders behave like bees when deciding what to buy and sell.

December 1, 2014

Is Your Household Liquid Enough?

Ample cash reserves aid households when faced with the unexpected.

December 1, 2014

Fixing the Next Mortgage Crisis

What if mortgages could be refinanced automatically?

October 6, 2014

How Malls Die—and How Your Business Could Be Next

When retail-store locations go under, they drag nearby stores down too.

October 6, 2014

Plastic Problems

When giving credit card users more information can backfire

Cultural biases in economic exchange stem from weak bilateral trust.
September 2, 2014

Is Economic Growth a Question of Culture?

A decade of research shows how culture seeps into economic decisions.

Unemployment Insurance helps people save their houses
August 4, 2014

The Hidden Benefits of Unemployment Insurance

A pioneering study reveals that the benefits of unemployment insurance include reductions in mortgage defaults and improved access to credit.

July 7, 2014

A Fine Fiscal Balance

A conversation with Jan Eberly on sustainable fiscal policy.

April 7, 2014

Red Ink, Red-Eyed Judges, and the High Costs of Crowded Bankruptcy Courts

The timing of a bankruptcy filing shapes the verdict and has consequences for all of us

January 8, 2014

To Beat Debt, Consider Starting Small

Paying down smaller balances first may motivate you to become debt free

Integrity in corporate culture may feel like two opposing forces competing, but while costly it can bring high returns
November 4, 2013

Corporate Culture—Not Lip Service—Counts

Establishing a bona fide “culture of integrity” can be costly for a corporation, but the economic returns are real

September 2, 2013

A Crystal Ball for the Courtroom

A new model predicts the outcome of securities fraud class action lawsuits

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