Finance & Accounting
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computer chip with federal reserve building in board
April 23, 2021

It’s Time for Central Banks to Start Issuing Their Own Digital Currencies. Yes, Even the Fed.

The case for why central banks and policymakers must jump in the race now or risk getting left behind.

Shoppers use debit card terminal
April 1, 2021

How Debit Cards Are Helping Low-Income Households Save—and Benefiting Their Neighbors Too

A federal initiative in Mexico had huge spillover effects.

investors surround a green building
March 25, 2021

How Useful Are ESG Ratings for Sustainable Investors?

These ratings are proliferating. Now there may be a better way to assess them.

executive describes sustainable investments
February 17, 2021

Understanding the Rapidly Evolving World of Sustainable Finance

It’s no longer a niche investment strategy—and it has the potential to deliver strong returns.

Trader at computer monitors
February 1, 2021

Rules to Limit Short-Term Trading Can Have Unintended Consequences

New research suggests that regulators should instead focus on broader investor access to information.

Stock trader choosing route
January 29, 2021

Does GameStop Signal the End of Short Selling as We Know It?

A conversation with a prominent short seller about the possible consequences of a wild week on Wall Street.

A job hunter googles job information.
January 5, 2021

Employment Plunged to Great Depression Levels in 2020. What’s Ahead in 2021?

Even with vaccine rollouts and a new stimulus bill, the U.S. economy faces a daunting challenge.

Indian farmer using cell phone
December 4, 2020

How an Advice Hotline Is Making Farmers in India More Productive

Previous efforts to provide farmers with guidance fell short. But this venture went further.

Angel investor flies in with funds for entrepreneur
December 1, 2020

Should Local Governments Be Offering Tax Credits to Angel Investors?

New research casts doubt on whether these incentives actually spur innovation and economic growth.

pilots remove autopilot on plane
October 30, 2020

Airlines and COVID-19: The Turbulence Ahead

With demand still down and debts mounting, the industry looks ahead.

real estate tied up in a bow
October 5, 2020

What’s Next for Real Estate Markets?

As the pandemic continues to upend how we live, work, and play, the future of residential and commercial markets remains very much in flux.

CEO walks with empty pockets
October 2, 2020

Tesla’s Stock Offering: Not Their First nor Their Last

Here’s why they’re at it again.

A group of nations' flags as credit cards
September 2, 2020

How Credit Ratings Are Shaping Governments’ Responses to Covid-19

To fund pandemic-related spending, governments around the world will need to take on more debt. If they can.

Black entrepreneurs enter a bank lobby
July 20, 2020

Black-Owned Businesses Often Struggle to Access Capital. Here’s How Financial Institutions Can Change That.

Banks and investors need to redefine creditworthiness, diversify their boards, and think more about social returns.

June 24, 2020

How to Secure Credit During a Financial Crisis

The key? Don’t tap your best collateral in good times.

A businessman in debt is worried.
May 5, 2020

Taking on Debt Can Help a Company Grow—Until a Crisis Hits

A new study shows how highly leveraged companies have less flexibility to innovate in a downturn.

A home made of dollar bills blows away
May 5, 2020

Here’s How Americans Are Spending Their Stimulus Checks

Real-time data pinpoints what we’re buying, and who’s spending the fastest.

A private equity fund manager looks at all his deals on hold because of COVID-19.
April 30, 2020

What Happens When Private-Equity Firms Start Making Deals Again?

There will be more buyout opportunities, but fewer on-site visits will make due diligence more difficult.

Does private equity backing make firms stronger or weaker?
April 23, 2020

What the Current Crisis Means for Private Equity

Access to capital will likely buoy some PE firms and the companies they back. Others will be less lucky.

Stock trader choosing route
April 17, 2020

The COVID-19 Crisis Reveals How Short-Term, Shareholder-First Thinking Still Rules the Day

From questionable buybacks to overly restrictive M&A clauses, a recent pledge to consider other stakeholders is ringing hollow.

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