Social Impact
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Careers Leadership Social Impact

Two arms erase each other in a cycle of dehumanization.
January 4, 2016

How Hateful Rhetoric Can Create a Vicious Cycle of Dehumanization

The way we feel perceived can have dangerous consequences.

Dehumanization is demonstrated by a person being erased.
December 8, 2015

The Danger of Dehumanizing Others

People who think other groups are less evolved are more likely to support retaliation against them.

People enjoying social responsible wine.
December 7, 2015

You Can Taste the Benevolence

If your customers know you donate to charity, will they like your products more?

December 7, 2015

Design Thinking Isn’t Always the Answer

The most durable solutions for social change come from within communities.

To succeed, foreign aid and health programs need buy-in and coordination with local partners.
November 2, 2015

Communities Are Partners, Not Beneficiaries

Advice for getting global health projects off the ground.

The recruiting tactic of offering higher pay attracts fewer committed applicants.
October 5, 2015

When Higher Pay Attracts the Wrong Job Candidates

Labeling jobs as lucrative can backfire for socially minded organizations.

As a mobile money platform, M-Changa fosters Kenya's culture of reciprocity and allows people to easily support the injured.
September 8, 2015

A Crowdfunding App that Pays the Bills

A startup in Kenya captures an underserved market.

Alternative methods for assessing credit worthiness are needed.
September 8, 2015

Credit Where Credit Is Due

New ways of assessing credit worthiness could open up access to the global banking system.

Purpose is at the heart of Marketing 3.0
August 3, 2015

Philip Kotler on Marketing’s Higher Purpose

How social marketing can be a force for good.

Shareholder activism creates corporate change.
June 2, 2015

How Do Activists Create Change?

Small reforms can lead to profound transformation.

data visualization technique best practices
May 1, 2015

Data Visualization: More Than Pretty Pictures

Data visualization techniques are integral to memorable and persuasive messaging.

December 1, 2014

How to Grow for the Greater Good

Nonprofits joining forces should keep these tips in mind.

March 3, 2014

Corporate Activism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

An interview about how social movements continue to shape corporate behavior.

February 3, 2014

The Rise of Private Regulation in Global Commerce

Here’s how business leaders can address the resulting risks

July 1, 2013

The Games Companies and Activists Play

When is corporate activism most effective?

March 4, 2013

Managing the Reputational and Market Risks of Social Activism

Executives should understand how protesters actually affect financial performance

March 4, 2013

Pinpointing the Value in CSR

The unexpected link between CSR spending and financial performance.

March 4, 2013

Being Smarter with CSR

This special issue devoted to corporate social responsibility (CSR), with articles written by our faculty, was published in conjunction with the Kellogg-Aspen Conference

March 4, 2013

When and How to Drive Real Value with CSR

Executives can improve their bottom lines by using CSR in targeted circumstances.

March 4, 2013

The Hidden Drivers of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

Understanding the impact of everyday interactions can help rally support for initiatives.

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