Social Impact
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Careers Leadership Social Impact

March 1, 2018

Take 5: How Companies Benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR is in vogue. And it can help a firm’s bottom line.

CSR contracting works
February 5, 2018

Rewarding CEOs for Corporate Social Responsibility Pays Off for Society—and for Firms

CSR contracting encourages executives to sacrifice short-term payoffs for long-term gains.

Donating food is paternalistic aid
January 3, 2018

The Complicated Logic Behind Donating to a Food Pantry Rather than Giving a Hungry Person Cash

If we were in need, we’d likely want money. So what accounts for that difference?

Charity appeals that frame the message around local connection tend to be more successful as a result of the proximity effect
June 6, 2017

To Improve Fundraising, Give Donors a Local Connection

Research offers concrete strategies for appealing to donors who want to make an impact.

Corporate leaders make a social impact by building a house.
May 8, 2017

“If You’re Inconsistent, You’re Toast.”

Companies serious about social impact are taking a deliberate stand on issues in line with their core business.

March 8, 2017

To Stop ISIS Recruitment in Western Countries, Promote Assimilation

An outsized number of radicalized recruits come from prosperous, egalitarian nations where Muslims feel isolated.

School gun violence is linked to the unemployment rate, and can be seen as a symptom to a struggling economy.
March 6, 2017

School Shootings Rise and Fall with the Unemployment Rate

Researchers set out to quantify gun violence at U.S. schools and made a surprising discovery.

Belief in fake news is about tribalism as much as truth.
March 6, 2017

The Psychology Behind Fake News

Cognitive biases help explain our polarized media climate.

An ex-offender tries to get hired despite his criminal record.
February 3, 2017

Should You Hire Someone with a Criminal Record?

Companies that give ex-offenders a fresh start may be rewarded with employees who stick around.

An uninsured person struggles to pay for hospital care.
January 5, 2017

Under the ACA, the Cost of Caring for the Uninsured Decreased for Hospitals

The benefit has come only in states that expanded Medicaid.

A man waits on a clock's hand
December 2, 2016

Is There a Better Way to Allocate Organs to Transplant Patients?

Two ideas for changing a system where people linger on waitlists while kidneys spoil.

An origami hummingbird represents social impact investment strategies.
December 2, 2016

What Is the Future of Impact Investing?

“People are revisiting the relationship they want their capital to have with the world.”

Tax structure impacts career choice
November 2, 2016

Higher Taxes Can Make Altruistic Jobs More Attractive

But subsidizing these careers may ultimately do more good.

Praising customers for eco-friendly purchases can backfire and lead to undesirable behavior such as littering.
October 10, 2016

When Companies Praise Good Behavior, They May Encourage the Exact Opposite

Why giving customers credit for altruistic purchases can backfire.

Investing in eco-friendly practices and eco activities improves operating performance
July 1, 2016

Can Going Big on Eco-friendly Practices Really Pay Off?

The case for doing even more than swapping out lightbulbs.

Medical device startups receive tips for entrepreneurs on designing for the environment.
June 6, 2016

Can Your Invention Take the Heat?

An infant HIV test offers lessons for entrepreneurs designing for tough conditions.

A customer weighs the environmental benefit of a green product.
May 9, 2016

Shh! Don’t Tell the Customers that Their Solar Panels Will Save Them Money

Green marketers should stick to a single message. But which one?

A woman must use self-control in deciding what to eat.
April 4, 2016

A 10:30 Cupcake? Don’t Mind If I Do

Both consumers and marketers can benefit from knowing when self-control is lowest.

A female entrepreneur at work
March 30, 2016

How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets

A Q&A with four entrepreneurs about the global startup landscape—and what governments can do to help.

January 14, 2016

How Today’s Clergy Are Putting Their Faith in Management Training

Like CEOs, faith leaders face challenges running large organizations in a rapidly changing landscape.

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