David Dranove
Walter J. McNerney Professor of Health Industry Management; Faculty Director of PhD Program; Professor of Strategy
Podcast: American Healthcare—Is This the Best We Can Do?
In the final episode of our 5-episode series, “Insight Unpacked: American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives,” we travel overseas, and through our own backyard, in search of a way forward.
Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, David Dranove and Amanda Starc
July 22, 2024
Podcast: The Misadventures of Insuring America
In episode 3 of our 5-episode series, “Insight Unpacked: American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives,” we explain how insurance companies became everybody’s favorite villain.
Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, David Dranove and Paul Campbell
July 8, 2024
Podcast: The Power of the Physician's Pen
We rely on doctors to keep us healthy. In episode 2 of our 5-episode series, “Insight Unpacked: American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives,” we learn at what cost.
Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, David Dranove and Paul Campbell
July 1, 2024
Podcast: The Problem with Megaproviders
In episode 1 of our 5-episode series, “Insight Unpacked: American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives,” we investigate how hospital systems got so big—and what that means for our health and our pocketbooks.
Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, David Dranove and Lawton R. Burns
June 24, 2024
Podcast: Introducing Insight Unpacked, Season 2
American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives
Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, David Dranove, Amanda Starc and Paul Campbell
June 21, 2024
Will AI Eventually Replace Doctors?
Maybe not entirely. But the doctor–patient relationship is likely to change dramatically.
Researchers: David Dranove and Craig Garthwaite
February 1, 2023
Where Is the U.S. Healthcare Industry Headed?
New business models abound, private equity is expanding, and healthcare workers are hard to find.
Researchers: David Dranove and Craig Garthwaite
June 21, 2022
We Hear a Lot about New Drugs. But What Spurs Innovation in Medical Procedures?
There’s been little research on what brings about new procedures, despite how life-changing they can be.
Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite, Christopher Heard and Bingxiao Wu
April 5, 2022
How Did “Big Med” Get So Big—and So Expensive?
Two economists explain how the American healthcare system evolved into the behemoth it is today—and what can be done to lower costs and improve patient care.
Researchers: David Dranove and Lawton R. Burns
June 21, 2021
Healthcare Megaproviders Have Become a “Megaproblem”
An excerpt from the new book “Big Med” explains how hospital systems have ballooned—and how that may be hurting patients.
Researchers: David Dranove and Lawton R. Burns
June 16, 2021
Pharma Companies Argue That Lower Drug Prices Would Mean Fewer Breakthrough Drugs. Is That True?
Probably not, a new study suggests—as long as the price decreases are modest.
Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Manuel I. Hermosilla
September 2, 2020
Would "Medicare for All" Really Reduce Healthcare Costs in the U.S.?
Single payer drives significant savings in countries like Canada. But new research suggests it might play out differently in the U.S.
Researchers: Jillian Chown, David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Jordan Keener
October 4, 2019
Privatizing Medicaid Drug Benefits Reduces Spending
The savings come without any decrease in quality of care, new research shows.
Researchers: David Dranove, Christopher Ody and Amanda Starc
March 2, 2018
When Healthcare Providers Consolidate, Medical Bills Rise
Can anything be done to rein in this expensive trend?
Researchers: Cory Capps, David Dranove and Christopher Ody
February 1, 2018
What Happens to Healthcare Costs When Nonprofit Hospitals Take a Financial Hit?
The answer has implications for the debate over the Affordable Care Act.
Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody
August 3, 2017
Under the ACA, the Cost of Caring for the Uninsured Decreased for Hospitals
The benefit has come only in states that expanded Medicaid.
Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody
January 5, 2017
Let Business Be Your Muse: Turn Your Workplace Wisdom into Haiku
Join Kellogg’s strategy faculty in putting your favorite lessons into verse.
Researchers: David Dranove, Meghan Busse, Thomas N. Hubbard and Sarit Markovich
February 1, 2016
Why Healthcare Spending Has Slowed
Is the Affordable Care Act getting too much credit?
Researchers: David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Christopher Ody
February 1, 2016
Acquiring the Competition
Does Obamacare encourage healthcare providers to consolidate?
Researchers: David Dranove
December 9, 2013
Just What the Market Ordered
How malpractice lawsuits punish negligent doctors
Researchers: David Dranove, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan and Yasutora Watanabe
January 1, 2012
The Effects of Health On Wealth
Major illness leads to financial catastrophe for the uninsured
Researchers: Keziah Cook, David Dranove and Andrew Sfekas
November 1, 2009
Are Healthcare “Report Cards” Good for Patients?
More information may not always be better
Researchers: David Dranove, Daniel Kessler, Mark McClellan and Mark Satterthwaite
May 1, 2007
Healthcare Gets a Check-up
Examining the diseased economics of U.S. healthcare
Researchers: David Dranove
April 15, 2007