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Insight Unpacked Season 2, "American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives" | Listen Now
man in room surrounded by dog posters and ephemera, petting a cat, being scolded by another person for their hypocrisy.
November 14, 2023

The Surprising Role of … Surprise … in Hypocrisy

What makes a choice seem hypocritical? New research finds that unexpectedness is an important factor.

business leader juggling pins
November 7, 2023

3 Priorities for Today’s Marketing Leaders

A roundtable of experts weighs in on trends and challenges in a time of radical industry shifts.

small businesses squeezed
August 1, 2023

As Data Privacy Improves, Small Advertisers Could Get Squeezed

Lauded as a win for consumers, new protections could have unintended consequences. “There’s no privacy ‘free lunch’ here.”

person in chair reading electronic tablet while octopus tentacles reach out
August 1, 2023

How Data Tracking Is Changing—and What That Means for You

Tech companies are phasing out cookies. Will consumers finally see meaningful privacy protections?

two hands holding smartphone with social media post of person in First St. Food Bank shirt with text "I donated. You should too!"
June 1, 2023

Yes, You Should Hit “Share” when You Make a Charitable Donation

Nobody wants to come across as bragging, but when donors stay mum, charities miss out. New research offers a strategy to embolden givers.

woman choosing avocados in store with signs Now 1-2 days 3-5 days
April 5, 2023

To Better Understand Your Customers, Think Like a “Consumer Anthropologist”

Engaging consumers in their natural habitat helps you glean insights that would never be visible in a spreadsheet.

woman shopping for shampoo
April 1, 2023

Why Are Products Marketed to Women Sometimes More Expensive?

A new study upends popular assumptions about the “pink tax.”

Chocolate factory workers along an assembly line with photos of past workers on wall
April 1, 2023

We Prefer Authentic Products. But What Conveys “Authenticity”?

Invoking a company’s history can help—and research points to a new way of doing this.

CEO stands before large data wall
March 8, 2023

Marketers, Don’t Be Too Hasty to Act on Data

Don’t like the trends you’re seeing? It’s tempting to take immediate action. Instead, consider a hypothesis-driven approach to solving your problems.

A CEO's risk aversion encourages underperformance.
February 23, 2023

Take 5: How Fear Influences Our Decisions

Our anxieties about the future can have surprising implications for our health, our family lives, and our careers.

person walking on smartphone, moving from app to app
February 6, 2023

If Your Favorite App Disappeared, How Would You Spend That Time?

Knowing whether users migrate to other apps or simply cut back on screen time is critical for understanding competition in the “attention economy.”

person testing virtual reality app on phone
February 1, 2023

Got a Niche Product to Sell? Augmented Reality Might Help.

Letting customers “try out” products virtually can give customers the confidence to take the plunge.

grocery store aisle where two groups of people protest. One group is boycotting, while the other is buycotting
January 1, 2023

How Much Do Boycotts Affect a Company’s Bottom Line?

There’s often an opposing camp pushing for a “buycott” to support the company. New research shows which group has more sway.

people in grocery store aisle choosing cheap over free option of same product.
December 1, 2022

How Offering a Product for Free Can Backfire

It seems counterintuitive, but there are times customers would rather pay a small amount than get something for free.

Anger helps a consumer make a decision
November 9, 2022

Take 5: The Surprising Ways Emotions Shape Consumer Behavior

Companies, take note—emotions like anger, fear, and anticipation can impact what ends up in consumers’ shopping carts.

two people playing chess
November 1, 2022

How Experts Make Complex Decisions

By studying 200 million chess moves, researchers shed light on what gives players an advantage—and what trips them up.

Science behind collaboration including spaces
October 25, 2022

Starbucks's Odyssey into NFTs Desperately Needs Guidance

Starbucks is entering the metaverse. Is this the best way to do it?

man watching exciting advertisement
August 1, 2022

Whiz! Bang! Boom! Energetic Ads Hold Viewers’ Attention

Louder, busier commercials are the new norm. And they seem to be working.

person skateboarding while shopping on smartphone
May 3, 2022

For Brands, Perfection Is Out and Authenticity Is In

“It helps you seem more trustworthy and enjoyable, like a friend who is going to give you advice on what to buy.”

a person puts donuts into a bag next to a sign that reads "limit one"
May 3, 2022

The Psychological Factor That Helps Shape Our Moral Decision-Making

We all have a preferred motivation style. When that aligns with how we’re approaching a specific goal, it can impact how ethical we are in sticky situations.

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The Insightful Leader

July 15, 2024  ·  26:04 minutes