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October 25, 2022
Starbucks's Odyssey into NFTs Desperately Needs Guidance
Starbucks is entering the metaverse. Is this the best way to do it?
Mohanbir S. Sawhney

August 1, 2022
Whiz! Bang! Boom! Energetic Ads Hold Viewers’ Attention
Louder, busier commercials are the new norm. And they seem to be working.
Joonhyuk Yang, Yingkang Xie, Lakshman Krishnamurthi and Purush Papatla

May 3, 2022
For Brands, Perfection Is Out and Authenticity Is In
“It helps you seem more trustworthy and enjoyable, like a friend who is going to give you advice on what to buy.”
Jacob D. Teeny

May 3, 2022
The Psychological Factor That Helps Shape Our Moral Decision-Making
We all have a preferred motivation style. When that aligns with how we’re approaching a specific goal, it can impact how ethical we are in sticky situations.
Chethana Achar and Angela Y. Lee

April 1, 2022
To Boost Engagement, News Orgs Need to Reconsider the Click
Not all pageviews are equal. Indeed, some clicks actually spur people to unsubscribe from a site.
Yayu Zhou, Bobby J. Calder, Edward Malthouse and Yasaman Kamyab Hessary

March 8, 2022
We React Differently to Paper vs. Digital Requests
Our willingness to act virtuously changes depending on how we’re asked.
Rima Touré-Tillery and Lili Wang

February 3, 2022
Why Are Super Bowl Ads a Spectator Sport?
With the big game coming up, many fans are gearing up... to watch brands go toe-to-toe
Derek D. Rucker

January 21, 2022
How Has Marketing Changed over the Past Half-Century?
Phil Kotler’s groundbreaking textbook came out 55 years ago. Sixteen editions later, he and coauthor Alexander Chernev discuss how big data, social media, and purpose-driven branding are moving the field forward.
Philip Kotler and Alexander Chernev

January 4, 2022
Does Distance Make the Consumer’s Heart Grow Fonder?
New research finds that how far we’re standing from a product changes what we think of it.
Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Chun-Tuan Chang and Angela Y. Lee

January 4, 2022
Take 5: What Good Does It Do a Company to Do Good?
Kellogg faculty look at how ESG initiatives are received by investors, customers, and employees.
Aaron Yoon, Ravi Jagannathan, Jacob D. Teeny, Alexander Chernev, Brayden King and and coauthors

December 1, 2021
The Internet Is Awash in Positive Product Ratings. Here’s How to Decipher the Good from the Great.
Forget stars and numeric ratings: a review’s language offers better clues to a product’s quality and likely success.
Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren

November 23, 2021
How You Can Make a More Positive Social Impact
A 3-step guide to becoming a more thoughtful consumer and donor.
Aparna Labroo and Kelly Goldsmith

November 1, 2021
How Much Do Campaign Ads Matter?
Tone is key, according to new research, which found that a change in TV ad strategy could have altered the results of the 2000 presidential election.
Brett Gordon, Mitchell J. Lovett, Bowen Luo and James Reeder

October 22, 2021
Is It Time to Raise Your Prices?
4 things for brands to consider as inflation provides more opportunities for growth.
Timothy Calkins

October 4, 2021
Yes, Consumers Care if Your Product Is Ethical
New research shows that morality matters—but it’s in the eye of the beholder.
Andrew Luttrell, Jacob D. Teeny, Richard E. Petty and Aviva Philipp-Muller

September 29, 2021
7 Sins of the Creative Brief
Why having a bad creative brief—or no brief at all—can sink an advertising campaign.
Derek D. Rucker and Kevin McTigue

September 15, 2021
See an Exciting Trend in That Chart? Proceed with Caution.
Some data-visualization techniques lead us to assume causality where it doesn’t exist.
Cindy Xiong, Joel K. Shapiro, Jessica Hullman and Steven Franconeri

September 7, 2021
How to Turn Your Pandemic Regrets into a Force for Good
Ruminating on all the things you didn’t accomplish? An expert on the psychology of regret explains why you should give yourself some grace.
Neal J. Roese

September 3, 2021
Marketers: Stop Dragging Your Feet and Start Using AI
Speed is a competitive advantage. A coauthor of the new book “The AI Marketing Canvas” explains why—and how—to get started.
Jim Lecinski

September 1, 2021
Expertise Can Be a Buzzkill
Becoming a subject-matter expert could dim your passion for the things you love.
Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren
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