Kellogg Insight
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Four Ways to Improve the Efficiency of U.S. Healthcare Markets

An economist discusses how to ensure the right mix of access, affordability, and quality.


How the Wrong Team Can End Up with Too Much Power in an Organization

Employee incentives that made sense at the time can lead to problematic power dynamics.


Take 5: How to Adapt to Changes in Your Industry

In many businesses, change is the only constant. Are you prepared?


Podcast: Give Better Feedback

An expert on marriage and a former executive offer advice on giving and receiving constructive criticism.


Tips for Established Companies to Keep Innovating

Intrapreneurship requires you to “think like a disruptor.”


Making Employees Compete for Rewards Can Motivate Them—or It Can Backfire

When employees care about each other, rewarding group performance may be the better strategy.

Scientific research leads to patents more often that expected.

The Surprisingly Short Journey from Ivory Tower to Patent Office

Scientific research leads to marketplace innovations more frequently and quickly than expected.


How Do People Respond to Sales Tax Increases?

New research shows we aren’t as blasé as economists thought.


The Science Behind Word-of-Mouth Recommendations

In the age of Yelp, two new studies explore why we offer advice and how it spreads.


Video: Two Leaders Explain How They Overcame Trust Deficits in Their Organizations

“A high trust culture is absolutely essential to deliver high performance.”


Analyzing the Trump Tax Plan

A former acting director of the Congressional Budget Office explains the impact on the deficit, corporate taxes, and pass-through income.


Podcast: How to Maintain Your Social and Professional Connections

Plus, sending a regular “letter to the boss” can help you when you need it most.


When Are Consumers Most Likely to Feel Overwhelmed by Their Options?

Research points to four predictors of “choice overload.”


Take 5: How to Tell a Great Story

Storytelling is a key business skill. Here’s how to make your narratives more persuasive.


Prescription Drug Coupons Actually Increase Healthcare Spending by Billions

Consumers may love them, but coupons steer people away from inexpensive generics.


Is It Too Hot to Help Out?

Why the thermostat may be the key to better customer service.


Robots Are Taking Americans’ Jobs. What Can Be Done?

Four concrete policy proposals to get people back to work.


When Should Leaders Own a Decision and When Should They Delegate?

Here are four questions to consider to become a more efficient decision-maker.

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