Kellogg Insight
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To Sell but Not to Missell

Sales agents’ conflicts between prospecting and advising


Predicting Politics

Prediction markets out-predict political pollsters


A (Sales)Taxing Proposition

How Internet sales taxes affect customer behavior

Measuring Trust

Introducing the Financial Trust Index

Data Analytics

Learning from Zillow and Zoots

Improved performance through service inventory management


Golf Lessons

Competing with superstars adversely affects performance


Don’t Interrupt Me Now

Media “transportation” and advertising effectiveness

Finance & Accounting

Don’t Look Now

When it comes to monitoring your investments, putting off until tomorrow what you could do today can pay off


Seeing Profit Despite Misunderstood Pricing Strategy

Implications in real-world market situations


Transparent Barriers

What is preventing racial minorities from attaining leadership positions in the corporate world?

Finance & Accounting

Does Function Follow Organizational Form?

Lending practices of large and small banks


Jack of All Trades or Master of One?

Performance perceptions of multi-feature products

Science as Team Sport

Collaborating at a distance pays off

Seeing Is Believing, Unless It Isn’t

Loss of control makes the mind misperceive

Brand Scandal Spillover

When will a brand scandal spill over and how should competitors respond?


When Does Coordination Require Centralization?

Contrary to expectations, decentralization might be the best strategy when the need for coordination among divisions is paramount


Stacking the Deck Against Racism

A psychological explanation for impartiality

Finance & Accounting

The VIX, CIV, and MFIV

Measuring up the accuracy of option-based predictors of volatility

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