Kellogg Insight
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A New Channel Strategy for Dell

The PC industry’s increasing maturity pushed Dell to shift its longstanding direct sales model

Softening the Blow of Bad News

Some companies offset negative earnings surprises by strategically releasing news of new patents


The Value of a Cabinet Position

In a world where not all ministries are equal, the composition of Japanese cabinets reflects the relative bargaining power of political actors

Collaboration and Creativity

The small-world problem


Beating the Bottlenecks in E-Commerce

Effectively allocating Web system capacity

Finance & Accounting

Pricing a Global Measure of Liquidity Risk

Investors should not overlook the impact of liquidity on the prices of assets

Are Large CEO Severance Packages Justified?

The underlying factors of CEO severance

Trust Required Here

Trust in both the seller and the marketplace is necessary for buyer confidence


Mandatory or Voluntary Corporate Disclosure?

Full disclosure is not always a moneymaker


Does Location Matter for the Adoption of Internet Technologies in Business?

E-mail is everywhere, but advanced Internet technologies are adopted mostly within establishments in urban-based companies

Compete or Cooperate?

Choosing the right commercialization strategy as a technology start-up

How to Map and Compare Culture Across Firms

Cultural differences between U.S. and German pharmaceutical companies due to nationality have decreased since the 1980s


“Acting White” or Just Acting Rationally?

Social pressures to fit in can explain the black–white educational achievement gap


Tax Incentives and the City

Are cities wise to use tax incentives to compete for companies?

Finance & Accounting

Celebrity Analyst Influence on the Stock Market

Does the stock market react more strongly to earnings forecasts issued by celebrity analysts?


Do Leaders Matter?

The sudden death of a president can trigger sweeping, unexpected changes in a nation’s economy


Stair Steps to Heavenly Savings

How to design sales force incentive programs to unlock operational cost savings


Are Healthcare “Report Cards” Good for Patients?

More information may not always be better

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