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marketer mines data
December 2, 2019

How Companies Can Mine Online Reviews for Product-Development Gold

The right techniques can uncover valuable insights in user-generated content.

Economists look back at what alternative monetary policies could have led to a quicker recovery from the financial crisis.
December 2, 2019

Two Ways the Economy Could Have Recovered Faster after the Great Recession

Doubling down on these monetary policies could help combat future financial crises.

A package delivery person arrives.
December 2, 2019

A Simple Way to Make Your Customers More Satisfied with Their Deliveries

Hint: It comes down to when you send status updates.

When teams need to freely generate ideas, sharing embarrassing stories can help.
December 2, 2019

Why Your Next Brainstorm Should Begin with an Embarrassing Story

This counterintuitive exercise can spark creativity.

November 18, 2019

Building Great Teams

What science can tell us about

entrepreneurs develop brand personality and logo
November 4, 2019

Entrepreneurs, Don’t Let Branding Become an Afterthought

Start defining your brand strategy on day one. Your future self will thank you.

A to-do list with easy and hard tasks
November 4, 2019

Why You Should Skip the Easy Wins and Tackle the Hard Task First

New research shows that you and your organization lose out when you procrastinate on the difficult stuff.

rugby defenders against cyberattack
November 1, 2019

How Business Leaders Can Prepare for a Cyberattack

The former head of U.S. Cyber Command explains why any company can be a target.

protestors boycott a company meeting
November 1, 2019

In an Era of Easy Outrage, When Should Brands Take a Stand?

A Kellogg professor explains how companies can navigate boycotts while staying connected with customers.

Indian flag with economic indicator signage
November 1, 2019

India’s Economy Is Slowing Down. What Happens Next?

The country’s chief economic advisor discusses how labor, trade, and energy factor into the country’s economic outlook.

A salesperson tries storytelling to market a product.
October 8, 2019

Stories Can Be Powerful Persuasive Tools. But It’s Important to Understand When They Can Backfire.

New research reveals why sometimes sticking to the facts is your best bet.

robot delivers lemonade to thirsty customer
October 3, 2019

It’s Time to Radically Rethink the Customer Experience. Here’s How to Get Started.

To provide millions of personalized interactions, organizations will need to lean heavily on automation and AI.

people and robots enjoy working together
October 3, 2019

How to Create a Human-Friendly Workplace in an Age of Automation

Three ways humans and machines can work together—to the benefit of organizations and their employees.

An executive tries to be an authentic leader.
October 2, 2019

Take 5: The Case for Being More Authentic at Work

When done thoughtfully, authenticity can make for more confident, ethical leaders. Here’s how to ensure you’re being your true self.

CEO listens to stakeholders including customers, employees, and the community.
September 19, 2019

Is Maximizing Shareholder Value a Thing of the Past?

Top CEOs recently “redefined” the purpose of a corporation. Kellogg faculty weigh in.

First impressions of groups matter
September 10, 2019

First Impressions Matter for Groups, Too

Labeling something or someone as “first” can have a dramatic effect on our perceptions of those who follow.

Digital advertising scientists study an online shopper.
September 5, 2019

Is Your Digital-Advertising Strategy Paying Off?

Brands are demanding evidence that campaigns are working. Here’s what they should be asking.

New research suggests that the careers of Nobel laureates may largely resemble those of other scientists.
September 3, 2019

Nobel Prize Winners—They’re Just Like Us!

The career paths of these elite scientists are surprisingly similar to those of their less accomplished peers.

Interactive data visualization tools can help people make more rational decisions when facing a large number of options.
September 3, 2019

Too Many Options? Here’s a Data Visualization Technique That Can Lead to Better Decisions.

It’s a surprisingly simple way to thwart our irrational impulses.

New board members interview with board of directors
September 3, 2019

What’s Keeping Corporate Boards from Becoming More Diverse

And what leaders can do to change that.

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The Insightful Leader

July 15, 2024  ·  26:04 minutes