Business Insights
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April 26, 2021
Bonds. Corporate Bonds.
Corporate bond markets have proven remarkably resilient during the pandemic—and companies with strong credit are poised to benefit.
Efraim Benmelech

April 23, 2021
It’s Time for Central Banks to Start Issuing Their Own Digital Currencies. Yes, Even the Fed.
The case for why central banks and policymakers must jump in the race now or risk getting left behind.
Axel Wieandt

April 14, 2021
How Leaders Can Truly Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Their Organizations
Two professors share research-backed tips for rethinking your recruiting efforts and getting the most out of diversity training.
Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador and Lauren Rivera

April 1, 2021
One Healthcare System’s Race to Distribute the COVID-19 Vaccine
A chief medical officer and a supply-chain expert discuss the nuances of the rollout.
Achal Bassamboo and Ashwani Bhatia

April 1, 2021
How Debit Cards Are Helping Low-Income Households Save—and Benefiting Their Neighbors Too
A federal initiative in Mexico had huge spillover effects.
Pierre Bachas, Paul Gertler, Sean Higgins and Enrique Seira

April 1, 2021
Keep Brainstorming—Your Best Ideas Are Still to Come
The common (and mistaken) belief that we generate our best ideas early can actually squash creativity.
Brian Lucas and Loran Nordgren

March 30, 2021
How Does a Polarized U.S. Move Beyond Its Current Conflicts?
A discussion about the psychology of group conflict, the risks of rampant misinformation, and the importance of resilient institutions.
Cynthia S. Wang and Brian Uzzi

March 29, 2021
So Your Company Isn’t Getting the Most out of Analytics and AI. Here’s What to Do.
These tools have the possibility to transform your business. If you know how to harness them.
Eric T. Anderson

March 25, 2021
How Useful Are ESG Ratings for Sustainable Investors?
These ratings are proliferating. Now there may be a better way to assess them.
George Serafeim and Aaron Yoon

March 18, 2021
The Pandemic Could Accelerate Job Automation—and Inequality
Consequences for workers and cities could be bleak.
Hyejin Youn

March 1, 2021
2 Ways to Improve Rideshares for Drivers and Customers
Research suggests there are ways to reduce costs and emissions, as well as help customers get picked up more quickly.
Ilan Lobel, Sébastien Martin, Anton Braverman, J. G. Dai, Xin Liu and Lei Ying

March 1, 2021
TV Advertising Is Usually Not Worth It
Companies spend vast sums on commercials, but it’s been difficult to gauge their effectiveness. A new study offers a more reliable method—and some bad news for many brands.
Bradley Shapiro, Günter Hitsch and Anna Tuchman

February 24, 2021
How Has Digital Film Changed the Moviegoing Experience?
In a world where movie theaters went digital … consumers got more options.
Joonhyuk Yang, Eric T. Anderson and Brett Gordon

February 17, 2021
Understanding the Rapidly Evolving World of Sustainable Finance
It’s no longer a niche investment strategy—and it has the potential to deliver strong returns.
Ravi Jagannathan, David Chen, Brian Bruce and Lloyd Kurtz

February 4, 2021
When Do People Take Huge Risks?
As a species, we’re cautious … except when the stakes are life-altering.
David Gal and Derek D. Rucker

February 2, 2021
In 2021, Consumers Are Craving Products That Deliver Novelty and Fun
After a year of buying boring staples in bulk, everything is about to change—and brands need to be ready to innovate.
Paul Earle Jr.

February 1, 2021
Rules to Limit Short-Term Trading Can Have Unintended Consequences
New research suggests that regulators should instead focus on broader investor access to information.
Nicolas Crouzet, Ian Dew-Becker and Charles Nathanson

January 29, 2021
Does GameStop Signal the End of Short Selling as We Know It?
A conversation with a prominent short seller about the possible consequences of a wild week on Wall Street.
Scott Fearon and Robert Korajczyk

January 20, 2021
COVID Has Forever Changed the Customer Experience
Here’s how companies can continue to adapt.
Timothy Calkins

January 15, 2021
How to Ramp Up Innovation in the U.S.
From venture capital to immigration law, “we’re leaving an enormous amount on the table.”
Benjamin F. Jones
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