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April 20, 2022
Be a Better Negotiator by Having a “BATNA”
Understand where you’re going when you can’t get to yes.
Leigh Thompson

February 25, 2022
What Does the Invasion of Ukraine Mean for Cybersecurity?
Former NSA director Michael Rogers discusses the implications for companies.
Michael Rogers

June 1, 2021
How to Design Contests That Motivate Employees
From innovation challenges to sales competitions, contests offer a powerful way to incentivize teams and individuals.
Jeffrey Ely, George Georgiadis, Sina Khorasani and Luis Rayo

August 4, 2020
To Find the Best Incentives for Employees, Start with a Simple A/B Test
Keeping people motivated can be tough. New research shows that a simple experiment can lead to big productivity gains.
George Georgiadis and Michael Powell

July 14, 2020
How to Negotiate via Email
This excerpt from Negotiating the Sweet Spot: The Art of Leaving Nothing on the Table offers three tips for writing emails that engage and persuade.
Leigh Thompson

June 1, 2020
Tired of People Invading Your Six-Foot Bubble? Game Theory Has a Solution.
Well, not exactly. But it does offer a new way of thinking about the problem.
Alvaro Sandroni

February 10, 2020
Take 5: The Upside of Failure
A look at the surprising benefits of striking out, and how to make the most of your mistakes.
Dashun Wang, Benjamin F. Jones, Yang Wang, Craig Wortmann, Edward (Ned) Smith, Col. Brian Halloran and Eric T. Anderson

February 3, 2020
How to Design Financial Incentives in Professions That Are Highly Territorial
A study of doctors shows that the best incentive schemes harness a desire to expand and protect professional turf.
Jillian Chown

November 1, 2019
India’s Economy Is Slowing Down. What Happens Next?
The country’s chief economic advisor discusses how labor, trade, and energy factor into the country’s economic outlook.
Benjamin F. Jones and Krishnamurthy Subramanian

August 1, 2019
What Makes a Corporate Board Member Most Influential?
New research explores what it takes for directors to drive big-picture strategic change at a company.
Razvan Lungeanu and Edward J. Zajac

July 5, 2019
Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity
Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.
Michael Powell, Robert L. Bray, Nicola Persico, George Georgiadis, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Chaithanya Bandi

June 26, 2019
Do High Local Taxes Really Hurt Economic Growth?
Corporate incentives and low tax rates are supposed to make a city more business-friendly. An economist explains why that’s often not the case.
Therese McGuire

April 1, 2019
For Companies Worried About a Trade War, the Time to Act Is Now
A lot of companies are “holding tight and hoping it all just goes away.” Don’t be one of them.
Philip Levy

February 1, 2019
Who Gets Blamed When a Group Project Goes Wrong?
Here’s why consequences stick to some team members more than others, according to a new study of retracted academic papers.
Ginger Zhe Jin, Benjamin F. Jones, Susan Feng Lu and Brian Uzzi

January 7, 2019
How to Navigate a Vertical Merger after the AT&T and Time Warner Ruling
Here’s what companies can do to minimize antitrust concerns in an uncertain regulatory environment.
Mark McCareins

December 4, 2018
Why Do Trainees Get Stuck with So Much Grunt Work?
There must be faster ways to get them up to speed. Yet grueling apprenticeships persist in medicine, law, and the trades.
Drew Fudenberg and Luis Rayo

October 2, 2018
The Blockchain Revolution Has Reached a Crossroads. What’s Next?
Bitcoin and its ilk need to become more efficient without losing their trademark decentralization.
Sarit Markovich

February 2, 2018
New Cryptocurrencies, Same Old Problems
Why we won’t see a Bitcoin takeover any time soon.
Sarit Markovich

January 5, 2018
What’s Behind the Current Wave of Vertical Integration?
From Amazon–Whole Foods to CVS–Aetna, companies are reconfiguring for an uncertain future. Four strategy professors discuss.
Craig Garthwaite, Meghan Busse, Amanda Starc and Mark McCareins

December 1, 2017
How the Wrong Team Can End Up with Too Much Power in an Organization
Employee incentives that made sense at the time can lead to problematic power dynamics.
Jin Li, Niko Matouschek and Michael Powell
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