Kellogg Insight
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Is There a Bot Behind That Tweet?

When we see messages that contradict our political ideology, we are more inclined to attribute them to bots. It’s making society even more polarized.


5 Tips for Growing as a Leader without Burning Yourself Out

A leadership coach and former CEO on how to take a holistic approach to your career.


Will AI Kill Human Creativity?

What Fake Drake tells us about what’s ahead.


What’s at Stake in the Debt-Ceiling Standoff?

Defaulting would be an unmitigated disaster, quickly felt by ordinary Americans.

Finance & Accounting

Consider This New Measure of Profitability When Constructing Your Portfolio

Researchers construct an intangibles-adjusted profitability measure that can benefit investors.


Podcast: How to Discuss Poor Performance with Your Employee

Giving negative feedback is not easy, but such critiques can be meaningful for both parties if you use the right roadmap. Get advice on this episode of The Insightful Leader.


Take 5: Yikes! When Unintended Consequences Strike

Good intentions don’t always mean good results. Here’s why humility, and a lot of monitoring, are so important when making big changes.


Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Is Still Entrepreneurship

ETA is one of the fastest-growing paths to entrepreneurship. Here’s how to think about it.

Finance & Accounting

One Key to a Happy Marriage? A Joint Bank Account.

Merging finances helps newlyweds align their financial goals and avoid scorekeeping.

man standing on hilltop overlooking city

3 Traits of Successful Market-Creating Entrepreneurs

Creating a market isn’t for the faint of heart. But a dose of humility can go a long way.


Today’s Gig Workers Are Subject to Endless Experimentation

“It raises the question, do we want to be a society where experimentation is just the norm?”


Podcast: How to Tell Compelling Stories with Data Visualizations

We’re back with an episode from the archives. On this episode of The Insightful Leader: a blueprint for making strong (and honest) arguments with data.


How Activism-Inspired Roles like “Sustainability Manager” Emerge and Evolve

First, these new positions are held by activists themselves. Over time, this changes.


2 Factors Will Determine How Much AI Transforms Our Economy

They’ll also dictate how workers stand to fare.


What Should Leaders Make of the Latest AI?

As ChatGPT flaunts its creative capabilities, two experts discuss the promise and pitfalls of our coexistence with machines.


How to Manage a Disengaged Employee—and Get Them Excited about Work Again

Don’t give up on checked-out team members. Try these strategies instead.

A soybean seed led Brazilian farm workers to industrialized jobs.

Banning China from Owning U.S. Farmland Will Achieve Nothing

A new bipartisan bill would prohibit anyone associated with “foreign adversaries” like China from purchasing U.S. farmland. While protecting the U.S. food system and making farmland more affordable to domestic producers by limiting foreign ownership may seem plausible on paper, the reality is more complicated.


Podcast: How to Discuss Politics When You Disagree

Talking politics in this polarized climate is a dicey proposition. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, an expert in the psychology of persuasion offers tips on how to approach the topic constructively.


Are People on Social Media Actually That Outraged?

One reason we think Twitter is such a polarized place: we’re bad at inferring how angry people are from their posts.


To Better Understand Your Customers, Think Like a “Consumer Anthropologist”

Engaging consumers in their natural habitat helps you glean insights that would never be visible in a spreadsheet.

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