Kellogg Insight
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A DEI Reading List

Many organizations want to build a workplace that works for everyone. But simply wanting DEI efforts to succeed isn't enough; companies must take a systematic approach to ensuring that they succeed. Read on for some of our favorite advice from Kellogg faculty about the biases that hold diversity efforts back, and how organizations can combat them.


Don’t Panic! Tools for Dialing Down Workplace Stress

Beyond taking a personal toll, stress can reduce productivity. Here’s what managers can do.


Podcast: How Last Fall’s Climate Bill Is Creating Opportunities for Businesses

With major incentives starting to kick in, here’s how the legislation is poised to affect the economy.


If Your Favorite App Disappeared, How Would You Spend That Time?

Knowing whether users migrate to other apps or simply cut back on screen time is critical for understanding competition in the “attention economy.”


Consumers Lose Out When Health Insurers Offer Lots of Plans

While extra choices are usually considered a good thing, insurers are able to use them strategically to maximize profits.

Finance & Accounting

Understanding the Pandemic’s Lasting Impact on Real Estate

Work-from-home has stuck around. What does this mean for residential and commercial real-estate markets?


Will AI Eventually Replace Doctors?

Maybe not entirely. But the doctor–patient relationship is likely to change dramatically.


Got a Niche Product to Sell? Augmented Reality Might Help.

Letting customers “try out” products virtually can give customers the confidence to take the plunge.


Podcast: How Letting Teams Fail Can Help Them Succeed

It can be tempting for leaders to swoop in to solve problems. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we hear from a U.S. Army colonel about why doing so is a disservice.


6 Takeaways on Inflation and the Economy Right Now

Are we headed into a recession? Kellogg’s Sergio Rebelo breaks down the latest trends.


Take 5: What We’ve Learned about Tackling Public-Health Crises

Covid-era research sheds light on how policymakers can guide the economy and the public through future emergencies.

A city's skyscrapers interspersed with trees and rooftop gardens
Finance & Accounting

What Is the Purpose of a Corporation Today?

Has anything changed in the three years since the Business Roundtable declared firms should prioritize more than shareholders?


Podcast: What to Expect When Joining a Family-Owned Business

There are cons—but a lot of pros, too. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we’ll explore what it’s like to work at a family business when you’re not a family member.


3 Tips for Reinventing Your Career After a Layoff

It’s crucial to reassess what you want to be doing instead of jumping at the first opportunity.


Podcast: Does Your Life Reflect What You Value?

On this episode of The Insightful Leader, a former CEO explains how to organize your life around what really matters—instead of trying to do it all.


College Campuses Are Becoming More Diverse. But How Much Do Students from Different Backgrounds Actually Interact?

Increasing diversity has been a key goal, “but far less attention is paid to what happens after we get people in the door.”

Politics & Elections

Partisanship Doesn’t Just Color Our View of Facts—It Alters How We Think about Hypotheticals

New research sheds light on how polarization can shape our counterfactual thinking.

Who Does a Better Job with ESG ratings, Global or Local Research Firms?

Sometimes, global raters miss important nuances about a firm’s environmental, social, and governmental activities.


How Much Do Boycotts Affect a Company’s Bottom Line?

There’s often an opposing camp pushing for a “buycott” to support the company. New research shows which group has more sway.


Podcast: China’s Economy Is in Flux. Here’s What American Businesses Need to Know.

On this episode of The Insightful Leader: the end of “Zero Covid,” escalating geopolitical tensions, and China’s potentially irreplaceable role in the global supply chain.

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