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Can Larger Loans Help Small Firms Grow?

Sometimes. But it turns out that lenders are bad at figuring out which businesses will benefit.


Podcast: Businesses Can Slow Climate Change. Here’s How.

Individual actions won’t be enough to slow global warming. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, learn how companies—and the people who lead them—need to get involved.

person with money deciding which box to put it in.

How You Can Make a More Positive Social Impact

A 3-step guide to becoming a more thoughtful consumer and donor.

Podcast: The Art of Giving Good Feedback

On this episode of The Insightful Leader: how to talk so that your team (and boss) will listen.

Data Analytics

4 Phases of Analytics Evolution: From Spreadsheets to AI Workbenches

What lies ahead for business leaders looking to incorporate data analytics?

corporate offices with a smaller building reflecting a halo in a pond

When It Comes to Morally Dubious Behavior, Do Startups Get a Pass?

Transgressions, such as treating workers badly, resonate differently when it’s a startup versus an established company.


The Health Department Gave Your Favorite Restaurant an 85. What on Earth Does That Mean?

Regulators should consider tweaking their scoring systems to make food-safety ratings more informative.


What Businesses Must Do to Curtail Climate Change

We need to dramatically reduce carbon emissions. This will require a new system of incentives.

woman in blue suit ascending green staircase

3 Skills New Managers Need to Succeed

To start, recognize that entire teams—and not just individuals—require clear feedback.

Finance & Accounting

A Surprising Reason Why Currency Exchange Rates Fluctuate

New research suggests an answer to a longstanding economic puzzle.


How Much Do Campaign Ads Matter?

Tone is key, according to new research, which found that a change in TV ad strategy could have altered the results of the 2000 presidential election.


Evolution Has Shaped How We Relate to Our Families. What Does This Mean for Family Businesses?

Gaining a better understanding of family conflict can help both family firms and the larger economy.


Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New

Turns out, there’s a “special sauce” that can help you get there. But expertise can also come with a curse.


Is It Time to Raise Your Prices?

4 things for brands to consider as inflation provides more opportunities for growth.

Social Impact

Podcast: Why Conspiracy Theories Abound—and How to Push Back

COVID conspiracies have a powerful psychological allure. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we explore how to combat them.


Leading Is Tough Right Now. But You’ve Got This.

It’s not about changing your style—you’ll just need to kick things up a notch.


How Companies Can Do Data Privacy Better

Not all efforts are costly, and being known for strong protections could give firms a competitive advantage.


Yes, Consumers Care if Your Product Is Ethical

New research shows that morality matters—but it’s in the eye of the beholder.


What Triggers a Career Hot Streak?

New research reveals a recipe for success.


Why Are Some People More Reluctant to Network Than Others?

The key seems to be how people perceive their own success and professional value.

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