Podcast: Thinking about Adopting a Contact-Tracing App for Your Company? Here’s What to Keep in Mind.
The technology can help reopen workplaces—but only if your employees trust it. On this special episode of The Insightful Leader, three experts discuss how to earn that trust.
Social Impact
Why Well-Meaning NGOs Sometimes Do More Harm than Good
Studies of aid groups in Ghana and Uganda show why it’s so important to coordinate with local governments and institutions.
From PPE to Denim and Beer, Here’s What the Pandemic Is Teaching Us about Supply Chains
Five lessons from Kellogg Professor Marty Lariviere.
3 Steps for Reimagining Your Business for a Post-COVID World
The crisis presents an opportunity to dream up new ideas, learn from others, and take bold action.
Stop Hiring for “Cultural Fit”
When you prioritize candidates you “click with,” you run the risk of discriminating against candidates from different backgrounds. Here’s how to change course.

To Find the Best Incentives for Employees, Start with a Simple A/B Test
Keeping people motivated can be tough. New research shows that a simple experiment can lead to big productivity gains.

Data Analytics
How AI Can Help Weed Out Faulty Scientific Research
Solid science is more important than ever, yet experts often struggle to predict which studies will replicate. Artificial intelligence could do the job better.
Recessions Can Stifle Product Innovation for Years
To keep companies innovating through the current recession, they will need greater access to credit.
Here’s the Best Way to Rotate Workers (or Students) into Buildings to Curb the Spread of Covid-19
Should groups be staggered daily? Weekly? Monthly? A new model helps organizations decide.

Why Are Social Media Platforms Still So Bad at Combating Misinformation?
Facebook, Twitter, and users themselves have few incentives to distinguish fact from fiction.
Podcast: How a Century-Old Family Business Is Adapting to the Pandemic
On this special episode of The Insightful Leader: a conversation with the chairman and the CEO of Griffith Foods about leading with purpose during the crisis.
What Astronauts Can Teach Us about Working Remotely
Space: the final frontier—for learning how to keep your team motivated during extended periods of isolation and confinement.
A Look Inside Chicago’s Economic Recovery Plan
Attracting HQ2s. Expanding mental-health care. A member of the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force explains how the city can emerge both stronger and more equitable.

Social Impact
Black-Owned Businesses Often Struggle to Access Capital. Here’s How Financial Institutions Can Change That.
Banks and investors need to redefine creditworthiness, diversify their boards, and think more about social returns.
Looking for “5 Quick Tips” to Build an Inclusive Organization? You’re on the Wrong Track.
Two experts discuss why corporate diversity initiatives so often fall short, and what it will take to produce real change.

The Pandemic Has Slashed Scientists’ Productivity
The extent varies a good deal by field, but the single biggest factor is whether a scientist is caring for young children.
How to Negotiate via Email
This excerpt from Negotiating the Sweet Spot: The Art of Leaving Nothing on the Table offers three tips for writing emails that engage and persuade.
Social Impact
Does Social-Media Use Increase Xenophobia?
A recent study investigates, using data from a popular Russian social-media platform and information on regional hate crimes.
Politics & Elections
Why We Know So Little about Disparities within the Federal Court System—and How That’s Finally Changing
Millions of hard-to-obtain public court records shed new light on the fairness of the U.S. judiciary.
What’s the Secret Ingredient to Great Mentorship?
It’s not just subject-matter expertise, according to a new study.