How B2B Companies Can Up Their Customer Experience Game
Most companies focus on their own sales targets. They should be focusing on their clients’.
Why Companies Shouldn’t Necessarily Fear Higher Employee Turnover
In private equity, team stability has long been prized. But new research shows that higher turnover leads to better performance.
Do Manager Training Programs Boost Companies’ Productivity?
The answer has been surprisingly elusive. A new study tackles the question, and highlights the outsized value of HR training.
Podcast: How to Give Feedback That’s Actually Helpful
Forget the “feedback sandwich.” On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we’ll tell you how to up your game.
Podcast: Do Bosses Who Trust Their Employees Deliver More Innovation?
On this episode of The Insightful Leader, learn when you should—and shouldn’t—give your team room to fail.

5 Tips for Pitching Your Startup to Investors
“Make your first 30 seconds count,” and other advice from a seasoned venture capitalist.
Take 5: How to Start Off Strong
Tips for plotting your first move, whether you’re negotiating a deal, paying off debt, or starting your workday.
The Psychology Behind Conflict—and When It Can Be Harnessed for Good
A conversation about the role conflict plays in organizations and communities.
Your Work Friends and Enemies Are Affecting Your Performance
A look at social triangles among day traders shows that profits increased under certain combinations of friend and foe.
Do Doctors Who Supervise Residents Spend Less Time with Patients?
Data from two ERs suggest that patients at teaching hospitals aren’t losing out on face time with senior physicians.
Finance & Accounting
Predicting Exchange Rates Is Hard. Could Dusting Off an Old Technique Help?
Investors take note: the “real exchange rate” may be a more accurate long-term forecaster than economists thought.
Finance & Accounting
How a Cash Crunch in India Led to the Widespread Adoption of E-Pay Technology
The rapid spread of a fintech app offers lessons for companies and policymakers.
How a Change to Food Inspectors’ Schedules Can Make Our Food Safer
Yes, they try to be objective. But seemingly small quirks in their schedules can affect their judgment.
Podcast: When Teams Mess Up, Who Takes the Fall?
On this episode of The Insightful Leader: how to make sure you’re not blaming the wrong person.

How One Colorado Tech Firm Is Helping to Shape the Cannabis Industry
The key has been serving growers and retailers—as well as regulators.
Take 5: How to Be a Savvy Holiday Shopper
Kellogg researchers explain the psychology of consumer decision-making.
Podcast: How You Should Divvy Up Work between People and Machines
On this episode of The Insightful Leader: strategies for building a happier, more productive workplace.
Social Impact
Which Charity Will Do the Most Good with Your Donation? This Simple Tool Can Tell You.
Step one: choose a cause you care about. Step two: find out who’s having the most impact per dollar. Step three: donate with confidence.
Data Analytics
How Companies Can Mine Online Reviews for Product-Development Gold
The right techniques can uncover valuable insights in user-generated content.
Two Ways the Economy Could Have Recovered Faster after the Great Recession
Doubling down on these monetary policies could help combat future financial crises.