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How Anger Can Help Us Make Better Decisions

Yes, you read that right: Sometimes being mad helps you focus on what you want.


Numeric Performance Reviews Can Be Biased Against Women

The ten-point scale favors men in some situations. But a simple change to the rating system can level the playing field.


What Makes a Corporate Board Member Most Influential?

New research explores what it takes for directors to drive big-picture strategic change at a company.


The Appeal of Handmade in an Era of Automation

This excerpt from the book “The Power of Human” explains why we continue to equate human effort with value.

Podcast: What Leaders Can Do to Build Trust Quickly

Lessons from Kellogg’s interim dean on establishing credibility, encouraging criticism, and empowering your team.


How to Establish Yourself as an Interim Leader

Kathleen Hagerty reflects back on her year as interim dean of the Kellogg School.


Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity

Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.


Should Antitrust Laws Really Be Changed, or Should We Just Enforce the Laws We Have?

A presidential assassination brought the trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt to power. The episode offers lessons for today’s antitrust regulators.


Do Soda Taxes Work? It’s Complicated.

A look at the Philadelphia soda tax shows that it had some benefits—but it didn’t stop people from buying sugary drinks.


We’re at a Data Privacy Crossroads. Where Do We Go From Here?

What individuals, regulators, and companies need to consider as we live more of our lives online.


4 Steps to Becoming a More Self-Aware Leader

Here’s how to hone your emotional intelligence to benefit your team and your career.

Politics & Elections

Are Voters Biased Against Female Politicians?

In many cases, no. But economic anxiety can ignite powerful gender stereotypes.

Family business adapts over generations

How Family Businesses Can Adapt for the Next Generation

Five tips for staying relevant—and successful—as an “enterprising family.”


AI and the Social Sciences Used to Talk More. Now They’ve Drifted Apart.

Research shows that the gap between these disciplines is growing, which could make it harder to address social and ethical problems.


Most Employees Retaliate If They're Slighted at Work

Here’s how managers can break the cycle of office conflict.

A municipality grows within a piggy bank.

Do High Local Taxes Really Hurt Economic Growth?

Corporate incentives and low tax rates are supposed to make a city more business-friendly. An economist explains why that’s often not the case.


Take 5: The Psychology of Healthy Eating

Opting for a salad instead of a steak can be hard. Research from Kellogg can help.


For Teams, What Matters More: Raw Talent or a History of Success Together?

A study of professional sports teams suggests that one factor is clearly more important, but the best teams combine them both.

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