How Businesses Can Best Use Content Marketing to Generate Leads
New research on B2B companies highlights an effective way to bridge the gap between sales and marketing.
When Healthcare Providers Consolidate, Medical Bills Rise
Can anything be done to rein in this expensive trend?
Audit Regulations Meant to Curb Accounting Scandals Are Working, Mostly
A post-Enron oversight board is a useful example for the regulation of other industries.
What’s Behind the Current Wave of Vertical Integration?
From Amazon–Whole Foods to CVS–Aetna, companies are reconfiguring for an uncertain future. Four strategy professors discuss.
Data Analytics
How a Good Analytics Strategy Can Become the Victim of Its Own Success
The best firms “purposely mess stuff up” to get the data they need to grow.
The Downside of Transparent Decision Making
Why you’ll get a better recommendation from a committee that deliberates behind closed doors.
Traders Are Surprisingly Slow to Respond to Off-hours Earnings Announcements
It can take days for investors to react, creating a potentially lucrative strategy for some.
Will People Price Shop for Healthcare?
A new study says yes, but only if the prices are easy to understand.
Finance & Accounting
Private Equity Helped Firms Weather the Great Recession
A new study shows that debt isn’t always a liability during a financial crisis.
Take 5: Make Your Big Idea a Success
Kellogg faculty share what it takes to find, foster, and sell innovation.
The Complicated Logic Behind Donating to a Food Pantry Rather than Giving a Hungry Person Cash
If we were in need, we’d likely want money. So what accounts for that difference?
Finance & Accounting
How Blockchain Could Radically Alter Global Finance
The technology underlying cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is already starting to make its mark.
Podcast: How Amazon's Alexa Learns
Plus, an algorithm that can identify new social-media hashtags as they emerge.
How Are Black–White Biracial People Perceived in Terms of Race?
Understanding the answer—and why black and white Americans may perceive biracial people differently—is increasingly important in a multiracial society.
Take 5: Holiday Shopping
Our faculty explain the reasoning behind some common shopping scenarios.
Why Banning E-cigarette Ads on TV Could Backfire
A new study finds that an increase in e-cigarette ads leads to a decrease in traditional cigarette sales.

How a “Robot Tax” Could Reduce Income Inequality
This tax can also be part of a plan to improve the economy as a whole.
Video: Exploring the Psychology of Trust
“People are making judgements about trustworthiness within 100 milliseconds.”
Measuring the Impact of Dodd–Frank on Household Leverage
The regulation’s attempt to prevent people from taking on mortgages they can’t repay may not work as intended.