Wear Your Auditor on Your Sleeve
If a top-notch person conducts your audit, it pays to let investors know.
A 10:30 Cupcake? Don’t Mind If I Do
Both consumers and marketers can benefit from knowing when self-control is lowest.
Why Leaders Should Nurture Their Social–Emotional Intelligence
These four skills can diffuse conflict, particularly within family businesses.

Is It Really Lonely at the Top?
The surprising links between feeling powerful and feeling connected.
How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
A Q&A with four entrepreneurs about the global startup landscape—and what governments can do to help.
Politics & Elections
Podcast: Does What Candidates Say Matter?
Understanding political rhetoric in this heated presidential race.
Finance & Accounting
Video: How to Play the Lottery Without Losing
Can we fight the poverty trap with new savings accounts that offer raffle tickets instead of interest?
Data Analytics
Is Your Digital-Advertising Campaign Working?
If you are not running a randomized controlled experiment, you probably don’t know.
You Sent Us Business Haiku, Here Are Our Favorites
Kellogg Insight readers joined faculty in turning business wisdom into poetry.

What Happens When a Company Loses a Patent?
A look at whether compulsory licensing can increase innovation.
How a Family Business Can Capitalize on Its Unique Culture
You need a different playbook when the CEO is your sister.
Think You’re Out of Creative Ideas? Think Again.
We downplay the importance of persistence in creative success.
5 Tips to Become an Authentic Leader
Sincerity can go a long way when stepping into a new role.

How Important Is User-Generated Content?
An episode of censorship in China sheds light on the power of customers talking about brands on social media.

Cultivating Trust Is Critical—and Surprisingly Complex
Don’t rely on intuition for something this important.
Podcast: What Happens When Employees Are Poached?
How poaching benefits companies and industries, and how you can make yourself more poachable.

Employees Are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way out the Door
The temptation to act unethically is plentiful in the gig economy.
Let Business Be Your Muse: Turn Your Workplace Wisdom into Haiku
Join Kellogg’s strategy faculty in putting your favorite lessons into verse.
There Is a Downside to Increased Enrollment in Higher Ed
How opening the floodgates can hurt the classroom experience.

How to Protect Yourself from an Unethical Boss
To ward off immoral requests, take a lesson from vampire lore.