Kellogg Insight
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data visualization technique best practices
Data Analytics

Data Visualization: More Than Pretty Pictures

Data visualization techniques are integral to memorable and persuasive messaging.

The Ultimate Data Set

Computational social science aims to discover universal facts.


The Business Before Your Business

Plan to aggregate customers from “day zero.”

Data Analytics

A Leader's Guide to Data Analytics

A working knowledge of data science can help you lead with confidence.


A Tilted Playing Field

New research finds bias in elite professional services hiring.


The Superfluousness of Realtors

Homes sold through Realtors do not garner a price premium over ones sold by owners.

Finance & Accounting

What Killed the Economy?

How deal complexity in commercial mortgage-backed securities contributed to the financial crisis.

Finance & Accounting

Let the Buyer Be Aware

A common error naïve homebuyers make helps explain housing boom and bust cycles.

Finance & Accounting

Podcast: Steering Clear of Financial Crises

Research into the causes of boom and bust cycles in real estate can guide investors.

The Downside of Downplaying Pension Costs

Current accounting standards hamper accurate reporting of states’ pension obligations and exacerbate fiscal problems.

Creative Cultures Fuel Growth

Martin Agency CEO Matt Williams shares nine simple rules for keeping corporate cultures creative.


What Does Not Kill Your Business Makes It Stronger

New ventures—and established companies—need a “killer experiment” to test their viability.

Finance & Accounting

Always Be Closing

Practical tips for success in real estate development.

Finance & Accounting

Maximize the Returns, Lower the Risk

Using the right tools to grow savings and improve investment outcomes.


How to Exploit Your Startup’s Constraints

Good entrepreneurs use their lack of resources to their advantage.

Finance & Accounting

Using the Lure of a Lottery to Spur Savings

Now legal in the US, prize-linked savings accounts use the excitement of a jackpot drawing to encourage people to grow savings.


How to Keep Employees Motivated in the Absence of Promotions

Other incentives can keep employees happy in flat organizations.


A Board’s Eye View of Reputation Management

When bad news surfaces, what is your plan?


To Bluff or Not to Bluff

Game theory says it’s pure mathematics. But human psychology matters, too.


Offering Points and Prizes Can Draw Customers

We overestimate how likely we are to win, making us willing to take a gamble on low-cost purchases.

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