Kellogg Insight
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Going, Going, Wrong

Competition and collusion among auction bidders


Money and Mores in the Mortgage Meltdown

When “illegal” and “immoral” failed to coincide

A Rating System That Forgets

Dropping some reputation ratings may help both buyers and sellers


Paying Sales Professionals

Why compensation plans for sales people vary


Let Your Competitor Feast on Leftovers

Creating shortages can be a strategic advantage

Sizing Up the Nightlife

A study of status distinction


Corralling Consumer Choice

Optimizing assortment size based on perceived attractiveness


Minimum Wage Matters

Increasing the minimum wage may not help low-wage workers


How to Prosper as a Product Manager

Redefining and Strengthening the Product Manager’s Role

Finance & Accounting

Bonuses Despite Billion Dollar Bailouts

Managerial incentives, capital reallocation, and the business cycle


Learning to Use Regret

Studies in the negative emotions and how to use them

Rating the Raters of Corporate Governance

Independent examination reveals inconsistencies


Voters Love Winners (And So Do Endorsers)

How endorsers can gain the upper hand


Get Over Yourself

Why we think we’re forces to be reckoned with

Finance & Accounting

Hedging Your Bets Is Still a Gamble

Hedge funds and other alternative assets can underestimate risk, overestimate returns


Desire to Acquire

Powerlessness and compensatory consumption

Social Impact

Why Did They Stay?

Perspectives on Katrina survivors’ “choice” to stand their ground or evacuate


The Surprising Importance of Grades

Sending signals in the job market


Surveying Sensitive Topics

New tools help correct for survey bias

Social Impact

And the Poor Get Poorer

The economics of higher global temperatures.

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