When Executives Sell
The influence of wealth diversification on contracting schemes
Finance & Accounting
The Promise, Perils, and Performance of Private Equity
The returns that institutional investors realize from private equity differ dramatically across institutions
Cost-Sharing Agreements
A tax-saving device for multi-nationals
Ingratiating Behavior Provides Alternative Path to the Boardroom
Talent and credentials are not all that matters
Finance & Accounting
Exercising Options
Should you accelerate income tax payment on share-based compensation?
Playing Well Together
The ability to share information about economic opportunities motivates firms to expand their boundaries
Finance & Accounting
When Should a Firm Decentralize?
Corporate features can determine your organization’s design
Finance & Accounting
(When and How) Do Markets Learn?
The surprising market reactions to ambiguous corporate policies
Big Fish, Little Fish—Choose Your Pond
Company size, organizational design, and market structure correlate with executive salaries
Letting Go of Voting Rights May Be a Good Investment Strategy
When looking at dual-class firms, dividends are more informative of performance than earnings