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globe as coronavirus
July 1, 2021

Measuring COVID’s Devastating Impact on Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Global surveys of more than 30,000 people revealed widespread drops in income, rising food insecurity, and an increase in domestic violence.

US one dollar bill as puzzle with missing pieces
June 1, 2021

U.S. Firms Are Investing Heavily in Innovation, Yet Economic Productivity Has Slowed. Why?

The answer may lie in how pharmaceutical companies are targeting their R&D spending.

person fills out census form race category
April 1, 2021

To Escape Jim Crow–Era Discrimination and Violence, Some Black Men Passed as White. But How Many?

Hundreds of thousands, according to a new study of Census data. Doing so provided some economic benefits but came at a great personal cost.

aspects of the economy in mural form
March 13, 2021

With More Stimulus Relief on the Way, Here’s a Look at America’s Covid Economy

A former Treasury official discusses where things stand now—and what the future might bring.

Ambulance drives through austere neighborhood with mansions in background.
February 1, 2021

Why Do COVID-19 Death Rates Differ Wildly from Place to Place?

Researchers were surprised by the variable that best predicted fatalities.

Indian farmer using cell phone
December 4, 2020

How an Advice Hotline Is Making Farmers in India More Productive

Previous efforts to provide farmers with guidance fell short. But this venture went further.

auctioneers and bidders mingle
November 11, 2020

How Auctions­ Help Solve Some of the World’s Most Complicated Problems

Whenever you turn your lights on, query Google, or stream a video on your phone, it’s likely an auction happened in the background. Our faculty discuss the decades of research that helped make auctions so ubiquitous.

Older customers look into a restaurant
November 2, 2020

Meet the (Surprisingly Rational) COVID Consumer

Research on initial consumer spending shows that those at higher risk were making safer choices.

Auctioneer sells ad space on search page
October 29, 2020

What Is “Auction Theory,” and What Kinds of Questions Can It Answer?

The recent Nobel put the field of auction theory in the spotlight. An economist explains how it works, using his own research as a guide.

Federal Reserve Bank sending out funds
October 19, 2020

Unpacking the Federal Reserve’s Aggressive Response to COVID-19

A Kellogg professor spent the past year at the Fed. He explains the bank’s “guns-blazing” response—and the limits to these interventions.

Person pays for groceries with SNAP card
October 1, 2020

Does Requiring Food-Stamp Recipients to Work Actually Increase Economic Self-Sufficiency?

The answer is increasingly urgent as politicians debate whether to reinstate the requirement, which was paused during the COVID-19 recession.

A man studies a map that's different from what's ahead.
September 2, 2020

White Americans Overestimate Racial Progress. But Certain Attempts to Remedy That Could Backfire.

Researchers hoped that having white participants read about racism would help them grasp the true extent of racial gaps in wealth and income. They were wrong.

economist reads board of recession indicators
August 26, 2020

We’re Several Months into the COVID Economy. What Have We Learned?

From household spending to the strength of the dollar, an economist sees some clear trends—and signs of what’s to come.

Workers in less work-from-home-friendly sectors suffered greater economic consequences of COVID-19.
June 24, 2020

Why the Next Round of COVID-19 Aid Should Target Industries That Can’t Work from Home

A new study pinpoints which sectors—and which workers in those sectors—suffered the most. Congress should take note.

New research finds that when a more trusting CEO takes over, a company becomes more innovative.
June 1, 2020

Want Your Employees to Innovate? Trust Them.

R&D teams take more risks—and do better work—when their CEOs have faith in them.

“Smart containment” offers better health and economic outcomes than quarantines alone.
May 27, 2020

The Wrong Way to Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing

Robust testing is key to safely reopening the economy. But a new model shows that if testing is not paired with “smart containment,” it could backfire.

A policy maker debates how to help the economy during COVID-19.
May 11, 2020

The Treasury’s Former Chief Economist Takes Stock of the Pandemic’s Economic Impact

Kellogg’s Janice Eberly zeroes in on a few data points that demonstrate the massive challenge policymakers face.

A home made of dollar bills blows away
May 5, 2020

Here’s How Americans Are Spending Their Stimulus Checks

Real-time data pinpoints what we’re buying, and who’s spending the fastest.

A store closes because of COVID-19
April 14, 2020

Companies Need to Prepare Today to Survive the Next 18 Months

An economist explains how leaders can try to lower fixed costs, retain workers, and mind their brands.

April 10, 2020

A Closer Look at Consumer Stockpiling During the Coronavirus Crisis

Researchers examined how households responded to shelter-in-place orders. They uncovered some surprises.

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