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A graduate leaving university with a STEM degree.
July 6, 2017

STEM Degrees Are Good for Careers. But Do They Lead to More Innovation?

Science, technology, engineering, and math education helps job prospects, but hurts the likelihood of becoming an inventor.

The economic effects of immigration include the spread of prosperity across America.
June 6, 2017

Does Immigration Help or Hurt Local Economies?

Historically, where immigrants cluster in the U.S., prosperity follows.

Wealthier Alaskans use annual dividend payments as fun money?
May 4, 2017

Alaskans Get an Annual Check from the State. How Do They Spend It?

The answer depends on a family’s income, but not in the way many economists expected.

School gun violence is linked to the unemployment rate, and can be seen as a symptom to a struggling economy.
March 6, 2017

School Shootings Rise and Fall with the Unemployment Rate

Researchers set out to quantify gun violence at U.S. schools and made a surprising discovery.

A homeowner uses the value of their home to buy things.
February 3, 2017

Why Are We So Quick to Borrow When the Value of Our Home Rises?

The reason isn’t as simple as just feeling wealthier.

Countering the effects of launching a startup in a recession.
January 5, 2017

Businesses Born in a Recession Tend to Start Smaller and Stay Smaller

Yet there are ways business owners can counter these long-term effects.

Business people use trust to help each other succeed.
December 1, 2016

Video: How to Establish Trust in Financial Transactions

Hard statistics and an understanding of culture keep the money flowing between lenders and borrowers.

Financial advisors give financial advice to clients.
November 2, 2016

What Good Is a Financial Advisor?

They may have your best interests in mind, but that doesn’t mean their advice is sound.

Tax structure impacts career choice
November 2, 2016

Higher Taxes Can Make Altruistic Jobs More Attractive

But subsidizing these careers may ultimately do more good.

Using the right reward system can incentivize car dealership employees and lead to stronger work performance.
October 10, 2016

Finding the Right Performance Incentives to Motivate Employees

Some incentive schemes encourage hard work—others reward those who game the system.

An African entrepreneur delivers products on a bicycle.
August 9, 2016

Disposable Income Is Rising in Africa. What Happens Next?

A Q&A about growth trends in African markets.

The free riding problem is demonstrated by a construction worker slacking off.
August 1, 2016

A Clever Strategy to Combat Free Riding

In any collaboration, the temptation to slack off is strong.

Lower earning workers in a "knowledge hierarchy" reach for opportunity
July 5, 2016

Why Income Inequality among White Collar Workers Is Growing

Top earners benefit most from “knowledge hierarchies” in organizations.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy causing business real estate to sit empty.
July 5, 2016

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 11: Which Bankruptcy System Is Better?

In certain markets, forcing companies to liquidate could cause offices and factories to sit empty.

The rise of the internet resulted in a global culture shift that changed the world.
April 7, 2016

How the Wormhole Decade (2000–2010) Changed the World

Five implications no one can afford to ignore.

Healthcare professionals try to diagnose why healthcare spending has slowed.
February 1, 2016

Why Healthcare Spending Has Slowed

Is the Affordable Care Act getting too much credit?

democracy and economic growth: Kenya's roads
February 1, 2016

Does Democracy Curb Corruption?

A clever study investigates the link between where roads are built and who is in power.

Culture clash in the Middle East
August 3, 2015

Two Distinct Motivations Drive Violence against Americans in the Middle East

Lessons about cultural dominance have implications for the business world.

Researchers asked, can Wikipedia be trusted?
June 2, 2015

Can Wikipedia Be Trusted?

Crowdsourced Wikipedia entries are more biased than Encyclopaedia Britannica articles.

Honesty in business can increase sales for even lower quality items.
June 2, 2015

It Pays to Be Honest—Even When You’re Selling Junk

Disclosing flaws can drive auction bids up.

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