Business Insights
Data Analytics Entrepreneurship Finance & Accounting Innovation Marketing Operations Organizations Strategy
November 1, 2010
Real Men Don’t Eat Very Berry Cheesecake
Manly preferences take their toll
David Gal and James Wilkie

October 1, 2010
Engineered Electioneering
The “when” and “what” of candidates’ messages.
Hakkyun Kim, Akshay R. Rao and Angela Y. Lee
September 1, 2010
Writing the Books on Sales Forces
Looking back on the career of Andris Zoltners
Andris A. Zoltners
August 1, 2010
The Downside of Deliberating
Why you may not want to think it over
Loran Nordgren and Ap Dijksterhuis
July 1, 2010
Paying Sales Professionals
Why compensation plans for sales people vary
Dominique Rouziès, Anne T. Coughlan, Erin Anderson and Dawn Iacobucci
June 1, 2010
Corralling Consumer Choice
Optimizing assortment size based on perceived attractiveness
Alexander Chernev and Ryan Hamilton
May 1, 2010
Learning to Use Regret
Studies in the negative emotions and how to use them
Neal J. Roese, Colleen Saffrey and Amy Summerville
April 5, 2010
Surveying Sensitive Topics
New tools help correct for survey bias
Ulf Bockenholt and Peter van der Heijden
February 1, 2010
The Financial Hazards of Aging
Why older adults choose riskier investments
Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin, Camelia Kuhnen, Daniel J. Yoo and Brian Knutson
February 1, 2010
The Devil Is in the Detailing
Modeling physician choice of prescription drugs
Tulikaa Bhatia and Lakshman Krishnamurthi
January 1, 2010
Really, I Can Return It? Sold!
Optimizing your returns policy
Eric T. Anderson, Karsten Hansen and Duncan I. Simester
December 1, 2009
Balance in Advertising
Tailored marketing messages can counter consumers’ negative emotions
Aparna Labroo and Derek D. Rucker
November 1, 2009
Name-Letter Branding
How your name can influence your choices
Miguel Brendl, Amitava Chattopadhyay, Brett W. Pelham and Mauricio Carvallo
October 1, 2009
The Art of Persuasion
Aligning consumer goals with level of abstraction
Angela Y. Lee, Punam Anand Keller and Brian Sternthal
October 1, 2009
Colored by the Company You Keep
The effects of context on brand evaluations
Myungwoo Nam and Brian Sternthal
August 1, 2009
Rational Retail Pricing
Demand-based pricing versus past-price dependence
Shuba Srinivasan, Koen Pauwels and Vincent Nijs
August 1, 2009
Super-Premium Ice Cream
Merger effects on product variety
Michael J. Mazzeo, Michaela Draganska and Katja Seim
July 1, 2009
$1,000 Cash Back
Implications for customer and dealer negotiations
Meghan Busse, Jorge Silva-Risso and Florian Zettelmeyer
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