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March 2, 2011

Buy Coal?

Purchasing the dirty fossil fuel could help fight climate change

February 2, 2011

Expert or Charlatan?

A test to tell the difference between authentic experts and flimflam artists

January 1, 2011

Increasing Revenue from Online Auctions

Buyer-seller interactions affect customer value in two-sided markets

January 1, 2011

Is Democracy Good for Peace?

Limited democracies and weak dictators may escalate conflicts

December 1, 2010

Matriculation Matters

Refining the college admissions guessing game

December 1, 2010

Principal Performance

What if school principals’ pay were tied to job performance? Turns out, it already is

November 1, 2010

Reward Now, Punish Later

Punishment alone may not change social norms

November 1, 2010

All Politics Is Cultural

Cultural not economic vocabularies separate liberals and conservatives

September 1, 2010

Why Broadband Prices Haven’t Decreased

Creating the first broadband consumer price index

August 1, 2010

Pick a Rule, Any Rule

The evolution of choice

July 1, 2010

Going, Going, Wrong

Competition and collusion among auction bidders

July 1, 2010

A Rating System That Forgets

Dropping some reputation ratings may help both buyers and sellers

June 2, 2010

Let Your Competitor Feast on Leftovers

Creating shortages can be a strategic advantage

June 1, 2010

Minimum Wage Matters

Increasing the minimum wage may not help low-wage workers

May 1, 2010

Voters Love Winners (And So Do Endorsers)

How endorsers can gain the upper hand

March 1, 2010

The Sounds of Silence

Consumers cue on corporations’ crisis communications

March 1, 2010

Timing Is Everything

The duration of climate agreements influences their success

February 1, 2010

To Settle or Not to Settle

Negotiations and attorney interests in medical malpractice cases

January 1, 2010

Membership Has Its Punishments

Loyalty programs dissuade firms from pricing products competitively

December 1, 2009

Fetal Influence on Familiar Ailments

The effect of in-utero conditions on long term health

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