Best of Podcast 2020
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Best of Podcast 2020

Kellogg faculty produced a wealth of podcast episodes in 2020. Here, we present some of the highlights from this past year.

Business leaders are being asked to take bold action to dismantle anti-black racism in America.
Social Impact

Podcast: “I’m Looking for Systemic, Permanent Change Right Now”

Anti-Black racism is deeply embedded in corporate culture. On this special episode of The Insightful Leader, Professor Nicholas Pearce and Google’s Ginny Clarke discuss the moral responsibility of leaders to finally address that.

Borrowing from the executive coaching playbook can help make you a more effective leader, especially during a crisis.

Podcast: You Can Lead through a Crisis. But Can You Coach through One?

On this episode of The Insightful Leader: three ways to help your employees arrive at their own answers to difficult questions.

Research on compartmentalizing reveals an unexpected benefit of working from home.

Podcast: Sure, Take That Zoom Call in Your Sweatpants. It Might Make You a Better Person.

When we stop compartmentalizing our home and work selves, we tend to act more ethically. Find out why on this episode of The Insightful Leader.

What fiction can teach us about moral decision-making.

Podcast: Now’s the Time to Hone Your Moral Decision-Making Skills

Dilemmas are rarely black-and-white. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we hear what fictional characters can teach us about today’s real-world quandaries.

New research provides tips for doling out credit—and blame—for team members.

Podcast: When Teams Mess Up, Who Takes the Fall?

On this episode of The Insightful Leader: how to make sure you’re not blaming the wrong person.

Contact tracing introduces prickly issues at the intersection of safety, privacy, and technology.

Podcast: Thinking about Adopting a Contact-Tracing App for Your Company? Here’s What to Keep in Mind.

The technology can help reopen workplaces—but only if your employees trust it. On this special episode of The Insightful Leader, three experts discuss how to earn that trust.


Podcast: Do Bosses Who Trust Their Employees Deliver More Innovation?

On this episode of The Insightful Leader, learn when you should—and shouldn’t—give your team room to fail.

A transparent supply chain is generally a good thing. But there are drawbacks to keep in mind.

Podcast: The (Surprisingly Muddy) Case for Transparency

Economists prize sharing information. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we ask if that’s always the right move.

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Podcast: Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Move Your Career Forward

On this episode of The Insightful Leader, get practical advice for detecting your blind spots—and pushing past them.

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