June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
Politics & Elections
The Oprah Effect
Celebrity endorsement of political candidates can make a difference at the polls.
Networking to the Top
Social connectedness could explain wealth inequalities
March 2012
Patients, Pricing, and Prescription Drugs
Maximizing social benefit from the Medicaid drug program
February 2012
Finance & Accounting
Predicting Investment Shock Waves
How technological innovations affect risk premiums
Do Black Women Have More or Less Freedom as Leaders?
Understanding the roles of race and gender
January 2012
Hangover after the Tax Holiday
Little foreign income repatriated due to American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
December 2011
Inspiring Loyalty by Asking, “What If?”
Counterfactual thinking strengthens commitments to people and organizations
Navigating Culture in Negotiations
Bargaining style can affect outcomes
Selling with Selective Disclosure
Why salespeople reveal some—but not all—unflattering information
November 2011
October 2011
Finance & Accounting
When Investors Disagree
Differing opinions influence financial market trading patterns
September 2011
Commissions, Kickbacks, and Consumers
Brokers responding to financial incentives can benefit consumers
Finance & Accounting
Hiring and Firing at the Top
Industry conditions matter when looking to hire or fire a CEO
Sight Over Sound
Mode of communication matters in negotiations
August 2011
Opting Out, or Overlooking Discrimination?
How the framework of “free choice” can obscure the reality of gender inequality
Adding Friction to the Market
In employment, making hiring and firing easier is not always the way to go
Is Entrepreneurship Missing in Shanghai?
The start-up spirit is surprisingly lacking in the Chinese megacity
July 2011
Where Busy Bees and Business Converge
The striking similarities between ecological and organizational networks
Finance & Accounting
Jumps in the Market Make for Jumpy Investors
Short-lived market events can have long-term effects on the appetite for risk
One, Two, Three Stats and More at the Old Ballgame
Identifying baseball’s best players and most reliable statistics
An Unhealthy Market for Competition
Health insurance companies in the U.S., not consumers, control the market
June 2011
Developing Stock Exchanges In Developing Countries
The impetus for a new stock exchange can determine its fate
A Trusted Name
Why we trust people we do not know.
Abundant Resources, Yet Little Freedom
Why dictators of resource-rich countries muzzle the press
May 2011
Firming Up the Foundations of Game Theory
Elucidating the role of information in strategic interactions
Sifting through Stock-Based Compensation
Managers and analysts use the expense for different purposes
April 2011
When Uncertainty Is a Sure Thing
Points and prizes can make for successful product promotion
A Potentially Fatal Illness, An Unpredictable Vaccine
Yearly flu vaccine notable for uncertainty in both supply and demand
March 2011
Finance & Accounting
Synchronicity Pays
Instant messaging helps traders buy and sell at the right time
Not All VCs Are Created Equally
High-quality venture capitalists can improve financial management and reporting
What has the Internet Done for the Economy?
The puzzling spread of the commercial Internet could explain wage inequalities
When to Come Out Swinging
Devise the right strategy for negotiations or online auctions
February 2011
Cooking the Books
Why do firms issue financial misstatements?
Finance & Accounting
Shareholders vs. Management: Split Decision
Shareholders should usually—but not always—control decisions
Expert or Charlatan?
A test to tell the difference between authentic experts and flimflam artists
January 2011
Increasing Revenue from Online Auctions
Buyer-seller interactions affect customer value in two-sided markets
The Fall of German Biotech
How the anti-biotech movement tripped up once-pioneering firms
Finance & Accounting
Dividends Driving Volatility
Erratic stock prices due to concerns over short-term dividend payments
December 2010
From Web Visits to Firm Orders
Analyzing web visitor click data to streamline sales efforts
Social Impact
Principal Performance
What if school principals’ pay were tied to job performance? Turns out, it already is
Balancing Medical Risks with Financial Needs
Controversial prescription drug Vioxx may have kept people in the workforce
November 2010
All Politics Is Cultural
Cultural not economic vocabularies separate liberals and conservatives