Kellogg Insight
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August 2013


Good Customers, Bad Reviews

Deceptive product reviews aren’t always written by the enemy—or even in anger

Everyone Loves a Generalist

Specialists are undervalued, on sports teams and in the workplace


The Risks and Rewards of Experience Abroad

Do past international investments help or hurt a company’s chances of succeeding in a new market?

July 2013


Shop Online, Pick Up in Store?

The option helps companies’ sales in a surprising way


How to Win at Risk

A Q&A with Russell Walker about risk management

Social Impact

The Games Companies and Activists Play

When is corporate activism most effective?

Finance & Accounting

What Really Spurred the Great Recession?

Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much to blame as banks.

June 2013

The Coworker Network

How companies can use social networks to learn who knows what


Maximizing Happy

What happens when we put effort toward intangible goals like happiness?


Would You Like Your Bonus in Cash or Cake?

Less countable rewards can be more satisfying


The Importance of Appearing Savvy

Women especially benefit from knowing market rates for car repairs

May 2013

Finance & Accounting

When Booms Go Bust

The housing market is finally on the upswing. Will it last?


Why Inventors Become Entrepreneurs

Tacit knowledge is critical for innovation

April 2013


Teaming Up to Cash In

How does competition work in the venture capital industry?


All Gain from Guaranteed Access to Key Goods and Services

A guaranteed minimum distribution system is optimal


Hirable Like Me

Interviewers favor applicants who remind them of themselves


What Makes an “Act of God”?

Why some use religion to make sense of natural disasters


To Defend or Not to Defend?

What to do when a competitor enters your industry

March 2013


That Brand Sells What?

How to take a successful brand into uncharted territory

Collaborate Better

A Q&A with Leigh Thompson about working creatively in teams


Who Wants to Be First Mate On a Sinking Ship?

Companies in financial distress have trouble attracting the talent they need to right themselves


Whipping the Supply Line into Shape

New insight into the bullwhip effect

Social Impact

Managing the Reputational and Market Risks of Social Activism

Executives should understand how protesters actually affect financial performance

Social Impact

Pinpointing the Value in CSR

The unexpected link between CSR spending and financial performance.

Social Impact

Being Smarter with CSR

This special issue devoted to corporate social responsibility (CSR), with articles written by our faculty, was published in conjunction with the Kellogg-Aspen Conference

Social Impact

When and How to Drive Real Value with CSR

Executives can improve their bottom lines by using CSR in targeted circumstances.

Social Impact

The Hidden Drivers of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

Understanding the impact of everyday interactions can help rally support for initiatives.

February 2013


Mapping Toxicity

Bringing transparency to risk assessment


Principles of Pricing

Counterintuitive ideas on pricing in a competitive environment

Managing Managers' Reputations

How managers’ concern for their reputations influences their disclosure of earnings forecasts


When Seeing Leads to Buying

Recent research indicates that seeing a new vehicle on the road can help sway some drivers to buy.

January 2013


Leave My Brand Alone

What happens when the brands we favor come under attack?


Buying and Selling Seasonal Goods

Decoding the dual dilemmas faced by customers and retailers

Finance & Accounting

How Bankruptcy Spreads

The bankruptcy of a single airline can reduce collateral values industry-wide

December 2012


"Equity Tunneling" Affects Market Outcomes

Securities regulation can boost share price

Is Wikipedia Biased?

Verifying the “neutral point of view”

Social Impact

The Price of Pollution

How much does environmental activism affect a corporation’s bottom line?


Outsourcing Contracts in Service Industries

A new model reveals a surprisingly simple pricing scheme for outsourced service contracts

November 2012


All in the Family

Grantmaking of family and non-family foundations differ in predictable ways

Is democracy the best form of government?

Which Form of Government Is Best?

Democracies may not outlast dictatorships, but they adapt better.


Why Are Presidents Less Effective than Prime Ministers?

Using game theory to model political systems leads to surprising insights.


Peeking Inside the Wallet

How much do consumers spend on their credit cards?

October 2012

Finance & Accounting

The Risk of Risk Avoidance

Firms with high managerial ownership may invest too cautiously


Flattery's Dark Side

Why you may want to consider how much you compliment


How Much Is Your Customer's Time Worth?

If you are in fast food, a surprising amount


Balancing Results and Revenue

Tweaking keyword auctions to benefit search engines and Internet users

September 2012


Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling

Women lend women a helping hand to obtain top positions


The State of Gender and Equality

An interview with Alice Eagly


Are Numbers Gendered?

What they reveal about the human mind


Is There a Female Leadership Style?

Data suggests the answer is “Yes”


Leveling the Playing Field

Small tweaks help first-generation college students succeed

Politics & Elections

Braggarts Become Leaders

Women at a disadvantage when competing for leadership positions

August 2012

More than Risk Management

Non-hedging derivatives broadly used, but also broaden risks

Finance & Accounting

Housing’s Albatross

Negative equity weighs on the market


The Low Cost of Capturing Carbon

A climate-friendly technology may be cheaper than we thought


Who Wins with the Smart Grid?

Uncertain economics cloud the grid’s future


Mastering Motivation

Finding a better way to work toward your goals

July 2012

Volatile Assets

Why we know less about bonds than we thought


Why You Should Accept Returns

Best handling of merchandise returns may be counterintuitive


Decisions, Decisions

Why humans can’t seem to make the “right” choices


Do Less

Why managers should stop micromanaging and trust their employees

Buying Behaviors of Emerging Middle Classes

How new consumers in developing nations choose their brands

June 2012


When Hospitals Turn Away Ambulances

Uncovering flaws in a policy intended to prevent ER overcrowding


Rebooting Employer-Sponsored Healthcare

Would employees be happier with more health plan choices?

Data Analytics

The Specifics of Sleep

Using statistics to understand sleep better


Will Doctors Work Less Under “Obamacare”?

The effect of lower reimbursements on the medical workforce


How Poverty Damages Health

Anti-poverty programs boost recipients’ well-being


A Patient, Not a Person

Medicine’s bad habit of dehumanizing patients

May 2012


Which Plane Lands Last?

The tricky science of weather delays and airport landing slots


The Impending Pension Problem

Pension liabilities are a massive hidden debt


What Constitutes Torture?

Perceptions change based on personal experience


Goes Together Like Guilt and Pleasure

Guilty pleasures may be the best kind


A Strategy for Peace

How world leaders should react to provocateurs

April 2012

Politics & Elections

The Oprah Effect

Celebrity endorsement of political candidates can make a difference at the polls.


Buy Bigger, Feel More Powerful

Compensating for powerlessness through purchases

Networking to the Top

Social connectedness could explain wealth inequalities

Finance & Accounting

The Trouble with VPIN

New economic indicator fails to live up to its promises


Answering Unasked Questions

Identifying bias in consumer surveys and compensating for it

March 2012


Patients, Pricing, and Prescription Drugs

Maximizing social benefit from the Medicaid drug program


Making Up Our Minds

When are people individuals and when are they part of a group?


Shipping's Bottom Line

How shipping charges influence online auction revenue


Steady As She Goes

Stable prices keep customers happy


The Trick to Turn-and-Earn

Why the allocation mechanism smoothes demand fluctuations

February 2012


Why Markets Tip to One Platform (or Not)

Uncovering the secrets of market tipping


How Public Outrage Affects CEO Pay

Compensation changes but does not always decline

Finance & Accounting

Predicting Investment Shock Waves

How technological innovations affect risk premiums


The Biggest Regret of All

Life begets regrets, but one looms larger than the others


Do Black Women Have More or Less Freedom as Leaders?

Understanding the roles of race and gender

January 2012


Solving a Pricey Riddle

How monetary policy influences the economy


A Dieting Conundrum

Why dieters underestimate calorie counts of meals


Just What the Market Ordered

How malpractice lawsuits punish negligent doctors


Hangover after the Tax Holiday

Little foreign income repatriated due to American Jobs Creation Act of 2004


Be Good, Get Mad

Exerting self-control makes people more inclined to anger
