Business Insights
Data Analytics Entrepreneurship Finance & Accounting Innovation Marketing Operations Organizations Strategy
January 3, 2018
How Blockchain Could Radically Alter Global Finance
The technology underlying cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is already starting to make its mark.
Robert McDonald, Caitlin Long and Peter Cherecwich
December 6, 2017
How Are Black–White Biracial People Perceived in Terms of Race?
Understanding the answer—and why black and white Americans may perceive biracial people differently—is increasingly important in a multiracial society.
Arnold K. Ho, Nour Kteily and J. M. Chen
December 5, 2017
Take 5: Holiday Shopping
Our faculty explain the reasoning behind some common shopping scenarios.
Ulf Bockenholt, Alexander Chernev, Lakshman Krishnamurthi, Martin Lariviere and Blakeley B. McShane
December 4, 2017
Why Banning E-cigarette Ads on TV Could Backfire
A new study finds that an increase in e-cigarette ads leads to a decrease in traditional cigarette sales.
Anna Tuchman
December 1, 2017
Video: Exploring the Psychology of Trust
“People are making judgements about trustworthiness within 100 milliseconds.”
Adam Waytz and Melissa Koenig
December 1, 2017
Measuring the Impact of Dodd–Frank on Household Leverage
The regulation’s attempt to prevent people from taking on mortgages they can’t repay may not work as intended.
Anthony DeFusco, Stephanie Johnson and John Mondragon
December 1, 2017
How the Wrong Team Can End Up with Too Much Power in an Organization
Employee incentives that made sense at the time can lead to problematic power dynamics.
Jin Li, Niko Matouschek and Michael Powell
November 10, 2017
Take 5: How to Adapt to Changes in Your Industry
In many businesses, change is the only constant. Are you prepared?
Alvaro Sandroni, Maryam Kouchaki, Mark Achler, Thomas O'Toole and Dimitris Papanikolaou
November 8, 2017
Tips for Established Companies to Keep Innovating
Intrapreneurship requires you to “think like a disruptor.”
Paul Earle Jr.
November 2, 2017
Making Employees Compete for Rewards Can Motivate Them—or It Can Backfire
When employees care about each other, rewarding group performance may be the better strategy.
Pablo Hernandez-Lagos, Dylan Minor and Dana Sisak
November 2, 2017
The Surprisingly Short Journey from Ivory Tower to Patent Office
Scientific research leads to marketplace innovations more frequently and quickly than expected.
Mohammad Ahmadpoor and Benjamin F. Jones
November 2, 2017
How Do People Respond to Sales Tax Increases?
New research shows we aren’t as blasé as economists thought.
Scott R. Baker, Stephanie Johnson and Lorenz Kueng
November 2, 2017
The Science Behind Word-of-Mouth Recommendations
In the age of Yelp, two new studies explore why we offer advice and how it spreads.
Sara Soderstrom, Brian Uzzi, Derek D. Rucker, James H. Fowler, Daniel Diermeier, Alessandro M. Peluso, Andrea Bonezzi and Matteo De Angelis
November 2, 2017
Video: Two Leaders Explain How They Overcame Trust Deficits in Their Organizations
“A high trust culture is absolutely essential to deliver high performance.”
Douglas Conant and Tony Karman
November 2, 2017
“One of the Investment Greats” Explains His Portfolio Strategy
A Q&A with renowned investor Lou Simpson.
Robert Korajczyk and Louis Simpson
October 4, 2017
Investors’ Fear of Missing Out on Disruptive Technology Leads to Overvalued Stocks
“Think of it like health insurance” for your portfolio.
Leonid Kogan, Noah Stoffman and Dimitris Papanikolaou
October 3, 2017
When Are Consumers Most Likely to Feel Overwhelmed by Their Options?
Research points to four predictors of “choice overload.”
Blakeley B. McShane, Ulf Bockenholt, Alexander Chernev and Joseph Goodman
October 2, 2017
Is It Too Hot to Help Out?
Why the thermostat may be the key to better customer service.
Liuba Belkin and Maryam Kouchaki
September 7, 2017
When Picking the Wrong Person for the Job Is the Right Move
Sometimes building credible relationships with your employees and suppliers is more important than finding the “perfect” fit.
Daniel Barron and Michael Powell
September 7, 2017
Take 5: How Power Dynamics Shape Our Behavior
Power—or the lack of it—impacts everything from snack choices to economic growth.
Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren, Adam Waytz, Benjamin F. Jones and Brayden King
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