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Short-term delivery contracts are making transportation an increasingly flexible resource.
February 3, 2020

As Supply Chains Move Faster, Businesses Have an Opportunity to Cut Shipping Costs

How companies can make the most out of information gleaned during the delivery window.

A new study reveals how doctors spend their time in teaching versus nonteaching hospitals.
January 2, 2020

Do Doctors Who Supervise Residents Spend Less Time with Patients?

Data from two ERs suggest that patients at teaching hospitals aren’t losing out on face time with senior physicians.

A food inspector checks a restaurant for violations
January 2, 2020

How a Change to Food Inspectors’ Schedules Can Make Our Food Safer

Yes, they try to be objective. But seemingly small quirks in their schedules can affect their judgment.

A package delivery person arrives.
December 2, 2019

A Simple Way to Make Your Customers More Satisfied with Their Deliveries

Hint: It comes down to when you send status updates.

A programmer writes code while a colleague looks on, taking notes.
July 5, 2019

Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity

Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.

A call center employee talks to customers.
March 4, 2019

Why First Come, First Served Isn’t Always the Best Approach to Customer Service

Is it time to give impatient people their own line?

A programmer writes code while a colleague looks on, taking notes.
February 4, 2019

What’s the Best Way to Learn a New Skill—by Doing or by Viewing?

An analysis of eBay coders shows that studying a colleague’s work can pay off. Just be careful whose shoulder you’re looking over.

January 3, 2019

There’s a Better Way to Manage Your Inventory

Using data from a drug-store chain, a new model finds opportunities to prevent shortages and boost profits.

Arrivals board at the airport.
November 6, 2018

Attention Passengers: Your Next Flight Will Likely Arrive Early. Here’s Why.

The reason has less to do with planes and airport logistics than a strategic move by airlines.

Inventory manager stands before his stock room.
October 4, 2018

A Counterintuitive Way to Keep Shelves Stocked and Prices Down

New research suggests how to improve supply-chain efficiency and avoid “inventory runs.”

A man tries to improve OR scheduling.
September 5, 2018

Here’s a Better Way to Schedule Surgeries

A new tool could drive savings of 20 percent while still keeping surgeons happy.

Speed factories bring products to market quickly.
July 3, 2018

How “Speed Factories” Help Companies Adapt to Capricious Consumers

For certain trendy products, these local but expensive plants can be a smart investment.

Social media data can help sales forecasts.
September 6, 2017

Want to Improve Your Sales Forecast? Check Your Company’s Facebook Feed.

Social media data can help predict consumer demand.

Data analytics are used to design an office.
September 1, 2017

To Get the Most from Data Analytics, Reward Intellectual Curiosity Across Your Company

Don’t relegate big data to sales and marketing. Let it permeate the culture.

Manufacturing globally and locally
July 10, 2017

How Much Does It Cost to Manufacture Overseas Versus at Home?

A new tool helps companies calculate whether to offshore, manufacture locally, or dual source.

A customer reacts to the low inventory on online flash deals.
June 6, 2017

What Makes an Online Flash Sale Successful?

When ratings and reviews aren’t enough, showing that a deal is popular can convince others to buy.

By matching historical sales data with appropriate product life cycle curves, one can reduce new product forecasting errors.
March 10, 2017

How to Predict Demand for Your New Product

Relying on manager expertise and market research may not be enough.

The Volkswagon emissions scandal may have been caused by tightening environmental regulations.
February 2, 2017

What Volkswagen's Emissions Scandal Can Teach Us about Why Companies Cheat

Tighter standards may backfire in industries with fierce competition.

People crowd escalators.
December 2, 2016

From Long Checkout Lines to Departure Gate Chaos, Can Companies Reduce Holiday Hassles?

An operations professor explores better ways to form queues, ride escalators, and deliver packages.

A man waits on a clock's hand
December 2, 2016

Is There a Better Way to Allocate Organs to Transplant Patients?

Two ideas for changing a system where people linger on waitlists while kidneys spoil.

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