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meeting participants improv
May 13, 2020

Too Much Cross Talk. Too Little Creativity. How to Fix the Worst Parts of a Virtual Meeting.

Six tools from an unlikely place—improv comedy—to use on your next Zoom call.

Business transformer on city block
May 15, 2020

3 Strategies to Transform Your Business for the Pandemic Economy

You know you need to adapt. But how?

Certain kinds of projects benefit from hands-on, in-person collaboration.
May 15, 2020

Having a Far-Flung Supply Chain May Lead to More Product Defects

When firms have to collaborate over long distances, the final product suffers.

May 19, 2020

Easy Hacks to Improve Your Virtual Meetings

From “speed-storming” to building a team charter, these ideas boost creativity and comfort on video calls.

What fiction can teach us about moral decision-making.
May 20, 2020

Podcast: Now’s the Time to Hone Your Moral Decision-Making Skills

Dilemmas are rarely black-and-white. On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we hear what fictional characters can teach us about today’s real-world quandaries.

“Smart containment” offers better health and economic outcomes than quarantines alone.
May 27, 2020

The Wrong Way to Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing

Robust testing is key to safely reopening the economy. But a new model shows that if testing is not paired with “smart containment,” it could backfire.

A child chooses between healthy and unhealthy foods.
June 1, 2020

A New System for Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthier Foods

They tend to prefer variety. Here’s how to use that instinct to get more fruits and veggies on their plates.

Younger workers trying to move up a blocked career path.
June 1, 2020

Younger Workers Lose Out When Their Coworkers Delay Retirement

But at fast-growing companies, the outlook is more promising.

A professional sees himself in the mirror.
June 1, 2020

Your Professional Development Doesn’t Need to Be Put on Hold

You can still seek out ways to stretch yourself or test out a new career path—even during a pandemic.

To maintain your personal space during a pandemic, game theory suggests that you need to be unpredictable.
June 1, 2020

Tired of People Invading Your Six-Foot Bubble? Game Theory Has a Solution.

Well, not exactly. But it does offer a new way of thinking about the problem.

New research finds that when a more trusting CEO takes over, a company becomes more innovative.
June 1, 2020

Want Your Employees to Innovate? Trust Them.

R&D teams take more risks—and do better work—when their CEOs have faith in them.

sales coach football play
June 2, 2020

How to Coach Your Sales Team through the Pandemic (and Beyond)

The founder of the Kellogg Sales Institute offers tips for adapting to this high-stakes moment.

A man is anxious to walk into work.
June 8, 2020

Exhausted by Working from Home? Anxious about Going Back?

Tips from a clinical health psychologist on managing the work-related stressors that may be affecting your mental health.

Employees happy in an office
June 9, 2020

Some Companies Actually Do See Financial Returns on Their Social Investments. Here’s What They Have in Common.

A new study finds that ESG investments—when paired with high employee satisfaction—boost stock performance.

Chief Marketing Officer is central to the organization.
June 11, 2020

How Have Top Marketers Responded to the Pandemic? With Rapid Innovation.

Leaders in industries from healthcare to casual dining are fast-tracking changes to the customer experience. Here are four of their stories.

How can corporations break down barriers to real racial equity and inclusion?
June 16, 2020

“This Is What It Means to Be Black in America and Black in Corporate America”

As the nation reckons with structural racism, a Kellogg professor and a Google diversity recruiter discuss what credible leadership looks like for business leaders.

Business leaders are being asked to take bold action to dismantle anti-black racism in America.
June 16, 2020

Podcast: “I’m Looking for Systemic, Permanent Change Right Now”

Anti-Black racism is deeply embedded in corporate culture. On this special episode of The Insightful Leader, Professor Nicholas Pearce and Google’s Ginny Clarke discuss the moral responsibility of leaders to finally address that.

Workers stack companies with a forklift.
June 16, 2020

How Is the Pandemic Affecting Antitrust Enforcement?

Deals will be ramping up again soon. Companies shouldn’t expect a free pass from regulators.

A leader handles a long-term crisis.
June 16, 2020

As the Crisis Drags On, Here’s How Leaders Can Maintain Momentum

The adrenaline has faded. All-nighters are not sustainable. A retired Navy admiral explains what needs to happen now.

June 24, 2020

How to Secure Credit During a Financial Crisis

The key? Don’t tap your best collateral in good times.

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