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corporate entrepreneurs
February 1, 2016

Discovering the Value of the “Corporate” Entrepreneur

How one established company benefited from a dogged intrapreneur.

A vampire unethical boss tries to request unethical behavior from an employee.
February 1, 2016

How to Protect Yourself from an Unethical Boss

To ward off immoral requests, take a lesson from vampire lore.

Higher education enrollement
February 1, 2016

There Is a Downside to Increased Enrollment in Higher Ed

How opening the floodgates can hurt the classroom experience.

February 1, 2016

Let Business Be Your Muse: Turn Your Workplace Wisdom into Haiku

Join Kellogg’s strategy faculty in putting your favorite lessons into verse.

The final stretch of a job can prompt unethical behavior.
February 8, 2016

Employees Are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way out the Door

The temptation to act unethically is plentiful in the gig economy.

February 29, 2016

Podcast: What Happens When Employees Are Poached?

How poaching benefits companies and industries, and how you can make yourself more poachable.

Pin down the components of trust.
March 7, 2016

Cultivating Trust Is Critical—and Surprisingly Complex

Don’t rely on intuition for something this important.

A customer tweets about a company's products.
March 7, 2016

How Important Is User-Generated Content?

An episode of censorship in China sheds light on the power of customers talking about brands on social media.

An executive tries to be an authentic leader.
March 7, 2016

5 Tips to Become an Authentic Leader

Sincerity can go a long way when stepping into a new role.

Persistence, like an all-nighter at work, is the key to creative success
March 7, 2016

Think You’re Out of Creative Ideas? Think Again.

We downplay the importance of persistence in creative success.

three generations of a family business
March 7, 2016

How a Family Business Can Capitalize on Its Unique Culture

You need a different playbook when the CEO is your sister.

A woman must use self-control in deciding what to eat.
April 4, 2016

A 10:30 Cupcake? Don’t Mind If I Do

Both consumers and marketers can benefit from knowing when self-control is lowest.

April 4, 2016

Wear Your Auditor on Your Sleeve

If a top-notch person conducts your audit, it pays to let investors know.

Liquidity kept auto purchases flowing via captive lessors.
April 4, 2016

Why Did Car Sales Drop So Dramatically During the Financial Crisis?

Even willing buyers were affected by a credit freeze.

April 4, 2016

How Much Will You Pay Today for a Better Tomorrow?

How we answer that question has the power to shape climate-change policy.

Engagement marketing means asking how to help your customers.
April 4, 2016

5 Ways to Authentically Engage Your Customers

To improve your customer engagement strategies, “Ask not how you can sell, but how you can help.”

The rise of the internet resulted in a global culture shift that changed the world.
April 7, 2016

How the Wormhole Decade (2000–2010) Changed the World

Five implications no one can afford to ignore.

Pin down the components of trust.
April 7, 2016

Video: To Build Trust with Customers, Show That You Are in It for the Long Haul

A researcher and a trusted CEO share tips to boost loyalty.

A man is in the wrong frame of mind to make a risk-related decision.
May 5, 2016

Ready to Make a Risky Decision? Your Words Suggest Otherwise

Mining digital communications for emotions can lead to better decisions.

Capital gains tax rate is like several dials affecting growth.
May 5, 2016

Can Raising the Capital Gains Tax Rate Ever Attract Investors?

The traditional view that raising rates hurts firms deserves a closer look.

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