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Maintaining business relationships can be invaluable.
September 8, 2015

No Contract? No Problem

How the Kenyan flower industry thrives in the absence of formal contracts.

Like yin yang, the Chinese consumer's psyche is all about finding a balance
September 8, 2015

What Chinese Consumers Want

Western Companies doing business in China need to ask the right questions.

The recruiting tactic of offering higher pay attracts fewer committed applicants.
October 5, 2015

When Higher Pay Attracts the Wrong Job Candidates

Labeling jobs as lucrative can backfire for socially minded organizations.

Banks dislike using movable assets as collateral
October 3, 2016

Beefing Up Collateral Laws Could Encourage Banks to Lend

In many emerging economies, businesses without real estate struggle to access credit.

A high performing superstar employee stands out and receives the spotlight for his hard work.
October 4, 2016

How to Nurture Your Superstar Employees

Focus on these three traits to help your top performers flourish—and stick around.

A world map made from quote bubbles.
October 4, 2016

Video: When Expectations Clash, Is the Problem Cultural?

You’ll do well to understand where others are coming from.

A scientist interprets visual content through a telescope and sees data visualizations in the stars.
October 5, 2016

How to Use Data Visualization to Improve Your Business

Understanding how our minds read visualizations can help answer your organization’s most important questions.

If you were trapped in a desert, resource scarcity would cause you to exercise willpower and become your best self to surviveIf you were trapped in a desert, resource scarcity would cause you to exercise willpower and become your best self to survive
October 6, 2016

Concerns about Scarcity Make Us Want to Be Better People

When we think we have too little, we will spend more on self-improvement.

March 2, 2015

A Board’s Eye View of Reputation Management

When bad news surfaces, what is your plan?

Alternative methods for assessing credit worthiness are needed.
September 8, 2015

Credit Where Credit Is Due

New ways of assessing credit worthiness could open up access to the global banking system.

A toxic worker can cost a firm money, low quality work, and legal issues.
September 8, 2015

Hire a Superstar or Dump a Toxic Worker?

Difficult employees are a bigger drag on your company than you think.

September 8, 2015

Four Ways Cuba Can Become More Business-Friendly

What will it take to make the country attractive to investors?

Managing toxic employees can improve office morale.
September 8, 2015

Podcast: How to Rid Your Company of Toxic Employees

Tips for how to avoid hiring them, manage their improvement, or decide when to let them go.

As a mobile money platform, M-Changa fosters Kenya's culture of reciprocity and allows people to easily support the injured.
September 8, 2015

A Crowdfunding App that Pays the Bills

A startup in Kenya captures an underserved market.

Smart meters enable surge pricing schemes which encourage users to be conscious of their power usage during peak load times.
September 8, 2015

Why Power Companies Love Smart Meters

Smart meters provide richer data, enabling smarter pricing strategies and a smoother electricity supply chain.

Company naming strategies provide clarity for consumers.
September 8, 2015

Companies, Choose Your Name Wisely

The right name can signal that you are a safe bet.

Airline passengers have individualized flying experiences.
September 13, 2016

Remaking Marketing Organizations for a Data-Driven World

A Q&A with United Airlines’ CMO on how to avoid becoming “an artifact of a prior era.”

A researcher uses big data to understand patterns
October 3, 2016

Podcast: Think You Understand Why Ideas Go Viral? Big Data May Change Your Mind

From tweets to scientific discoveries, human behavior is surprisingly predictable.

Self-reflection improves leadership over time
December 2, 2016

How Self-Reflection Can Make You a Better Leader

Setting aside 15 minutes a day can help you prioritize, prepare, and build a stronger team

Business people use trust to help each other succeed.
December 1, 2016

Video: How to Establish Trust in Financial Transactions

Hard statistics and an understanding of culture keep the money flowing between lenders and borrowers.

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